Top 5 Most Powerful Beings In Middle Earth Universe

5. Men: Possessing a high capacity for both good and evil, men are the most capable and unpredictable of all the races in Middle Earth.

- Lorem Ipsum

4. Elves: The oldest and most noble of the sentient races of Middle-Earth, Elves are immortal and can also wield magic.

- Lorem Ipsum

3. Balrogs: Ancient Maiar who were turned into heinous fiery demons by Melkor, they are also known as the Valaraukar.

- Lorem Ipsum

2. Maiar: The Maiar were primordial spirits created by Eru Ilúvatar to help the Valar first shape the World.

- Lorem Ipsum

1. Valar:  ost powerful beings created by Eru Ilúvatar, Valars are like literal gods of Middle Earth and has different roles in shaping the world.

- Lorem Ipsum

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