Elon Musk Changed Twitter Algorithm After Super Bowl

Nishant Bhise

Elon Musk has been tirelessly working to make Twitter the 'digital town square of democracy'.

He has been implementing his radical vision to revamp the platform into 'Twitter 2.0' since he acquired it in October 2022.

When he took over the microblogging site, the company started to lose revenue, so to cut cost he started the saga of mass layoffs firing employees and important engineers.

The saga continued until February 2023 when he fired an engineer after a dissatisfying answer about the low number of impressions on Elon Musk's tweets.

So, in order, to enhance the engagement, he asked his engineers to look into the algorithm.

This came after the Super Bowl night when his tweet supporting Eagles got 9.1 million impressions and President Joe Biden's tweet got 29 million impressions.

So, Elon Musk's cousin sent a message to the employees to investigate into the matter. After the Super Bowl game, his tweets were appearing on everyone's 'For You' feed.

Usually, Twitter boosts a tweet if had got a great response from the followers as well as the non-followers. As many people blocked and limited Musk's tweet, the engagement was low.

Twitter engineers has now artificially boosted his tweets to 1,000 factor- a parameter to ensure his tweets rank higher. It is called 'power user multiplier'.

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