Why Elon Musk Is Getting Sued By A Twitter Advertiser?

Nishant Bhise

Since Elon Musk acquired Twitter in October 2022, the platform has gone through considerable changes.

When $44 billion deal was completed, Elon Musk-led Twitter lost a lot of revenue after major advertisers pulled their advertisements.

As per reports, in November 2022, the advertising fell further by 42% causing an estimated $53.8 million loss for November and December.

Now, an advertiser has filed a lawsuit against Elon Musk-led Twitter at the Cuyahoga County Clerk of Courts for breach of contract.

Twitter promised Michael O'Shea to charge $250 to advertise through Twitter Ads.

However, Twitter charged Michael $6,200 breaching the contract and failed to refund him.

So, Twitter is getting sued by him on three counts including unjust enrichment of $5,952.

Many companies are skeptical to advertise on Twitter due to perpetuating racism.

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