Elon Musk, the name that has been ringing in our ears for a long time now has yet again torpedoed its way through social media platforms now with a humongous destruction. Twitter is flooded with tweets that show shock, denial, and ‘I-knew-it’ emotions. You might be wondering that this is the same case every day then what on earth has made it so special today?
Well, it is out of the world now, figuratively and very much literally. For some, it’s inspiring when they look back at his tremendous jump from having student loans to being one of the richest men in the world. This might also be the reason why we all think he is like an otherworldly creature. Well, fret not, the CEO of Tesla claims he indeed is an alien.
Elon Musk Jokes He Is An Alien

In 2021, Elon Musk claimed that he is an alien, adding substance to one of the many conspiracy theories surrounding him. Now, he is at it again and has re-claimed that he indeed is an alien. Whilst many might laugh it off, others simply knew these claims were coming through. It’s almost like people knew it.
Twitter’s new owner has brought out some unusual snacks for the netizens to munch. Many people believe that life is a simulacrum and some others believe that humans were originally from Mars. Musk, however, believes he is an alien, trapped here on earth. A perfect statement that would make sense why he is adamant about building transportation to Mars.
Read More: Elon Musk Twitter Takeover: Employees Are Suing The Platform For ‘Mass Layoffs’
How Did Twitter React To The Statement From Its CEO?

It was Tim Urban who laid the foundation for the theories to evolve. He asked on his Twitter handle, “What’s the craziest conspiracy theory you think might be true?” People came up with all kinds of responses. However, Musk’s reply was by far the most tweeted and almost captivatingly true to believe. The CEO of Tesla said, “I’m an alien trying to get back to my home planet.”
I’m an alien trying to get back to my home planet
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 4, 2022
There it is! That very tweet that started a hoard of memes polluting Twitter like the plastics on mangrove forests. Responding to Musk’s tweet, Urban jokingly wrote, “I thought we agreed you were not going to talk about this publicly.” A Twitter user wrote, “Alex Jones is doing a special on you tomorrow. Looking forward to it. Some even said that they knew it was true and wanted to hear it from the man himself.”
I thought we agreed you were not going to talk about this publicly
— Tim Urban (@waitbutwhy) November 4, 2022
Musk then replied again, “Unsure if confirming or denying that I’m an alien is more convincing that I’m an alien.” It is not yet confirmed whether this tech giant is an alien or not. I mean, if you want to take his words at face value, then take it, but for those who don’t, do we care to dare?
— DogeDesigner (@cb_doge) November 4, 2022
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