The world of Wakanda is set to expand yet again in ‘Eyes of Wakanda’, a four-part animated anthology series coming to Disney+ in 2025. This ambitious prequel delves into the rich history of Wakanda, its brave warriors, and its unparalleled Vibranium resources.
However, fans wondered why such a story wasn’t brought to life as a live-action project. Showrunner Todd Harris has a clear answer: animation was the only medium capable of doing justice to the epic story.
Todd Harris Believes Animation Unlocks Limitless Potential Of Wakanda’s Story
In a statement released as part of Marvel Animation’s 2025 slate, Todd Harris explained the creative vision behind the series and the unique possibilities animation provides. “The story has been stewing for a long time in my head. I’m a big believer in what Wakanda represents to mankind as a place that’s untethered by expansion,” Harris said in a press conference (via Disney).
Related: What Was The Original Story Of ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’?
“It has drawn a line, a line it won’t cross and it won’t let anybody else cross.” ‘Eyes of Wakanda’ will take viewers on a globe-trotting adventure that would be nearly impossible to achieve in live-action. For Harris, the decision to opt for animation was both practical and creative. “Animation is the ultimate equalizer of locations,” Harris shared.
“Egypt costs just as much as New York City, and the moon costs just as much as Ohio. Filming around the globe has inherent limitations that we just don’t have in animation. That freedom allowed us to reimagine an idealized version of an era that’s unaffected by human history.”
Moreover, the series follows the Hatut Zaraze, an elite group of Wakandan warriors, as they embark on perilous missions to retrieve Vibranium artifacts from enemies who have stolen them. Additionally, each episode in the anthology focuses on different characters and time periods.
‘Eyes Of Wakanda’ Explores Wakanda’s Legacy While Honoring Chadwick Boseman’s T’Challa
For many fans, ‘Eyes of Wakanda’ will serve as a bittersweet reminder of Chadwick Boseman’s iconic portrayal of T’Challa. Before his tragic passing in 2020, Boseman was set to become one of the MCU’s central figures in the post-’Avengers: Endgame’ era.
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Marvel Studios had made it clear they would not recast T’Challa in the mainline films. However, new reports suggest that the studio is now looking for alternatives to fill the void. ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’ passed the mantle to T’Challa’s younger sister, Shuri, and introduced audiences to a new chapter in Wakanda’s story.
Now, as fans eagerly await news of a potential third Black Panther film, ‘Eyes of Wakanda’ offers a chance to revisit and expand the world that Boseman helped make unforgettable. In Todd Harris’s words: “Wakanda is more than a place, it’s an idea. And through animation, we’ve been able to bring that idea to life in ways we never could have dreamed.”