Taylor Swift is counted among the greatest and most successful artists of all time, but she is constantly criticized—some of it incredibly unjust. Despite her talent, work ethic, and business savvy, she’s constantly accused for things that male artists hardly ever get scrutinized for. Here are five unjust criticisms Taylor Swift is always subjected to:
1. She Only Writes About Her Exes

Perhaps the most enduring (and unfounded) criticism is that Taylor Swift writes only about her exes. Whereas she has sung about heartbreak, love, and personal lives, her work covers a gamut of subject matter, such as self-empowerment (“The Archer”), women’s empowerment (“The Man”), family (“Marjorie”), and even fictional narratives (“No Body, No Crime”).Sheeran and Styles write just as much about love, yet they don’t receive the same criticism.
2. She’s Too Calculated

Taylor is always referred to as “calculated” in her career decisions, whether it’s the way she markets her music or manages her public persona. But in actuality, she’s simply a shrewd businesswoman. Why is it that when male artists make calculated decisions, they’re hailed as being smart, but when Taylor does it, she’s seen as manipulative? She’s done it on her own terms in the music industry, and that’s something to be praised, not judged.
Related : 5 Times Taylor Swift Clapped Back At Haters With Sass Through Her Music
3. She Plays The Victim

Taylor’s critics are prone to accusing her of playing the victim, particularly when she asserts herself as wronged (i.e., when she had that feud with Kanye West and Scooter Braun). But asserting oneself is not playing the victim—self-advocacy. She is absolutely entitled to name injustices, particularly in a business that has traditionally taken advantage of young female artists.
4. She Overexposes Her Personal Life

Others claim that Taylor overshares about her personal life, either through her songs or social media. But people relate to her because she is honest and vulnerable. And besides, all artists take inspiration from their lives—Taylor simply does it better than most.
In case you missed it: Billboard Apologizes To Taylor Swift For Controversial Tribute Featuring Her Naked Wax Doll From Kanye West’s ‘Famous’ Video
5. She’s Overrated

Although a 14-time Grammy Award winner and best-selling artist of all time, Swift is still deemed by some as being overrated. Yet her record-shattering albums, stadium-selling tours, and pop cultural influence reveal otherwise. This level of success isn’t gained from hype—instead, it comes from hard work, innovation, and, most importantly, talent.
Taylor Swift has worked almost two decades to prove herself, but she still gets unjustified criticism. In the end, she keeps succeeding, proving that her success is not luck but hard-earned.