Chappell Roan is getting appreciation from a number of stars for her boldness when it comes to speaking up about toxic fan behaviour. After the likes of Miley Cyrus and Charli XCX, Daniel Craig is now showering the pop star with compliments.
Roan has created headlines for her responses to toxic fan culture, which is something she has often called out in ways more than one, and has received both backlash and praise for it. Here’s what Daniel Craig had to say about Roan standing up to fans.
Daniel Craig Applauds Chappell Roan Standing Up To Fan Behaviour

Daniel Craig stated in a recent interview with The New York Times that he has been closely observing Roan, particularly in regards to her approach to dealing with online toxicity. He acknowledged her experience and remarked, “I truly admire the guts to say those things. Celebrity kills you.”
“Really, it’s a terrible, terrible thing that can happen and I think you’ve got to really fight against all of the things that it throws in your face, because it’s so easy to be tempted,” he added.
Related: “Y’all Suck”: Chappell Roan Slams Billboard For Reporting Her Split With Her Management
He added, “Generating and maintaining that brand is about how much exposure you have. You have to do social media, and I can’t do that. I even regret emails I send.”
Many other artists like Miley Cyrus has backed up Chappell for her guts when it comes to calling out toxic behaviour online. Craig’s statement stands as a testimony to the support she has been getting from other stars of Hollywood who have seen the same struggle as she now is going through.
Chappell Roan’s Past Encounters With Fans

In the past, Chappell Roan has often spoken up against fans who invade her space or pass comments, standing up to herself and calling them out that shye doesn’t owe them anything and hence their entitled behaviour needs to stop.
Apart from that, she has also called out a rude photographer in the past who was apparently disrespectful towards her and crossed her boundaries.
Related: “I’m In Therapy Twice A Week”: Chappell Roan Opens Up About Her Mental Health Struggles
Roan’s behaviour is a fresh breath of air from the constant acceptance that comes with toxic fan culture. Having the platform to speak up about the more important things in stardom, the singer is making sure her pedestal is being used for good.