Netflix’s take on ‘Parasyte: The Grey’ as a K-Drama is way different than Hitoshi Iwaaki’s popular manga series. Through the Netflix adaptation Fans of the manga series got to experience something totally different but the same in a way.
This was because despite the story of the K-Drama being different the series was set in. The same universe as the manga series. Additionally, it also had the same character mostly with some minor differences.
‘Parasyte: The Grey’ follows the same idea of parasitic aliens falling to the earth with the goal of destroying the earth and infecting humans. Moreover, one of the major differences between the manga series and the K-Drama is that the lead ‘Su-In’ is not a male teenager but a female.
In the anime, the lead character is Shinichi Izumi who is a high school senior. On the other hand, in Netflix’s adaptation, he is replaced by Su-in who is a female grocery worker. While this was not a minor change it all worked out for the storyline and fans loved the changes.
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Biggest Differences Between Netflix’s ‘Parasyte: The Grey’ And The Manga Series

With the leading characters being different there were a lot of other differences. In the anime, Shinichi was sleeping as the parasite tried to enter his brain. However, he wakes up and stops the parasite. In the Korean sci-fi drama, the story was completely different and the parasite did get to Su-In’s brain.
This was because Su-In was stabbed several times by an angry customer and was about to die but the parasite heals her. Shinichi’s parasite Migi appears in a different form than Su-In’s, who is a long gross arm-like extension of her head named Heidi.
In the anime, Migi acts like a sidekick. However, Heidi has a mind of her own and can take over Su-In’s body for brief periods. By the end of the series, it was revealed that Shinichi did exist. But his storyline happened before Su-In.
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