Villains in ‘Supernatural‘ were at the heart of the show along with our three badass boys Sam, Dean and Castiel. The show created a lasting fanbase over the course of 15 years and the Winchester brothers have faced every creature starting from demons, angels, and leviathans to even God himself. Some were one-season wonders while a few lasted for almost a span of 10 seasons and some even end their stint in the show as heroes. However, as their character arcs turned out in the show, one thing was for sure they messed with the wrong brothers.
Just like any other show, there were both hits and misses in the ‘big bad’ department. Some of the villains were not just memorable but also fan favorites and while some might have been essential to the story failed to hit the mark. ‘Supernatural‘ offers a varied platter of villains to choose from and no matter how cool many of the beasts were, in this list we look at the show’s major villains. Sorry, bloodhounds!!

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10. Metatron

The Scribe of God is probably not just the lamest but also the scariest of villains the show has ever had. His lack of physical intimidation is somehow made up by the raw power he holds considering he is not even an archangel. Metatron’s biggest asset was the depth of knowledge that he accrued by being God’s glorified secretary for eons. The reason he makes this list is that despite being a run-of-the-mill angel, he is successful in throwing all angels out of Heaven and becoming the ruler himself. Apart from this, the most badass thing he did was kill Dean Winchester but let’s face it he is not the only one to have done it. He does go on to become the boys’ ally further down in the show helping Dean to get rid of the Mark of Cain and also convincing God to help when his sister shows up.
9. Dick Roman

Dick Roman is a stand-in for all leviathans, who were arguably the show’s worst and maybe even unnecessary villains. He shows up in Season 7 with a lot of anticipation brimming regarding Purgatory’s most feared monster which ultimately led to disappointment. His stint as a villain was as short-lived and unimaginative as Castiel’s turn to the dark side in the same season. Season 7 is probably ‘Supernatural‘s weakest storyline and ranks very low on the fans’ list as well which can be attributed to Dick’s as well as the leviathans’ lackluster. He was the least charismatic of all Supernatural villains, and the only reason he beats Metatron in this list is because of his suave style and cool demeanor.
8. Amara/Darkness

God’s sister Amara or The Darkness was nowhere near as grand or even terrifying as her brother. While some credit should be given to the showrunners for this imaginative storyline that is not derivative of any lore, Amara never really lived up to the potential or power that she supposedly possessed. The yin to God’s yang, she was hell-bent on exacting revenge on her brother for imprisoning her by destroying all his creations. She was supposed to be God’s antithesis, the end to all of God’s creations however sadly for the showrunners the fans didn’t like her one bit. She was a very bizarre villain and what was most bizarre of all was her obsession with Dean. I mean we get it, it’s Dean Winchester after all but was that really necessary?
7. Michael [Alternate World]

Though we didn’t get to see much of Kripke-era’s Michael, once the alternate worlds were introduced Michael from the alternate world was one of Supernatural’s biggest introductions ever. The glorifying introduction when he hits like a meteor in-front of Lucifer and Mary is understandable considering he is the most powerful and dangerous archangel, rivaled only by Lucifer. Dean was Michael’s vessel similar to the original storyline and he did take over Dean to defeat Lucifer once and for all. This is where the problem arises as Michael in his previous meat suit was probably more enthralling than Dean as his vessel. Despite this unexpected and frankly disappointing turn, alternate world Michael has the most impressive kill list defeating Gabriel, Lilith, Anna and also Lucifer that too twice!!
6. Rowena McLeod

The mother of the King of Hell was a breath of fresh air after a few seasons of demons, angels, leviathans, and everything in between. She was an anti-hero, starting out as a villain and then growing into a trusted ally almost as close as family to the Winchester boys. As far as witches are concerned, no one compares to Rowena. Her impeccable spell work, eccentric witch demeanor and raw power gives her an edge and makes her the coolest witch of ‘em all. She is an all-time fan favorite and her hilarity and ability to call the boys out on their bullshit make her all the more lovable. She not only ends up being the Queen of Hell but also proves instrumental in defeating God in the final season.
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5. Lilith

There cannot be a list of villains in a show called Supernatural without the Mother of Demons making an appearance. The first demon that Lucifer ever created, Lilith delivers as one of the most terrifying villains of the show staying true to her immense power and potential according to lore. There is nothing creepier and more terrifying than a child and that is exactly what the showrunners achieve by making a little girl Lilith’s vessel. She reveled in torture and it was fitting that she was the final of the 66 seals required to break Lucifer out of his cage. She is truly cold evil, with her white eyes, and sadism. remorselessness and unwavering loyalty to Lucifer going as far as to baiting Sam into killing her, make her a badass villain.
4. Chuck/God

One doesn’t normally expect God to turn up in a list of villains but this is ‘Supernatural‘ we are talking about and this show isn’t anything if not ingenious. He is commonly referred to as Chuck and it is only in Season 11 that we find out his real identity. Prior to this he masked himself as the Prophet of the Lord, simply jotting down Sam & Dean’s journey as the book series Supernatural. He plays a big role throughout the series either through his absence or meddling even if the audience is unaware of it. He is the Big Bad of the show’s ultimate season and much like the biblical lore, he is ruthless and merciless trying to get the brothers to kill each other. He brings in the question of ‘free will’ as most of what happened in boys’ life were his attempt to just create a “good” story.
3. Azazel

The villain without whom the entire show wouldn’t have existed. He is the guy who set it all in motion when he murdered Mary Winchester in 1983. The Prince of Hell, nicknamed Yellow Eyes due to his unique peepers has probably caused the most emotional damage to the Winchester Brothers. His fanatic quest to free Lucifer from his cage is what led him to the Winchesters and thus began the death, destruction and what can be easily described as the journey of pure evil. His impact on the life of the Winchesters is incomparable; his murder of Mary, infecting baby Sam with demon blood and John’s quest to kill him is what made Supernatural into the show it is today. He is probably the show’s most hated villain and also maybe the favorite of the fans.
2. Lucifer

Is there a bigger bad than the Devil himself? There is no doubt that Lucifer is the one who caused the most pain and destruction in the entire show. All the demons and creatures that the brothers fought throughout the entire series were Lucifer’s creations, without him there would be no demon to fight against. The Devil was introduced to the audience in Season 5 and quickly became a fan favorite. Up until then so much of the storyline was centered around him and his freedom from the cage and boy did it deliver till the end of the series. The best thing about Lucifer is that he is not just limited to an evil villain full of gravitas, his snarky nature, sense of humor and charisma make him a memorable character.
1. Crowley

The King of Hell undoubtedly takes the spot in this list of villains. Crowley is hands down the show’s most fan favorite villain and the perfect example of an anti-hero. The love-hate relationship that he shared with the Winchester Brothers and his impeccable chemistry with the duo is what made his character so interesting. His charisma, hilarity and dry British sarcasm make him the coolest of them all even if he wasn’t the scariest. His ambition and intelligence are evident as he rose from the King of Crossroads to sit on the throne of hell. He does end up being a crucial Winchester ally but that doesn’t take away from the fact that when he wanted something he took it by any means necessary.
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