Helaena Targaryen, often seen as a silent observer in the untamed world of Westeros, has always been more than meets the eye. Her prophetic dreams are often veiled in cryptic symbolism. From time to time they have hinted at the tragic events to come.
However, in the heart-wrenching finale of ‘House of the Dragon‘s second season, she delivered a stark, unambiguous warning to her brother, Aemond Targaryen. Moreover, this time her vision was as clear as day!
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According To Helaena’s Prophecy, Aemond Dies In God’s Eye

Helaena’s vision was as chilling as it was direct. According to her, Aemond would die, swallowed by God’s Eye. This marked a departure from her usual enigmatic prophecies, painting a terrifying picture of her brother’s fate. Previously, Helaena had another vision about Aemond losing his eye.
However, this vision wasn’t as clear as the recent one. Moreover, the once enigmatic princess had become swallowed by her surroundings. From losing a son to losing a husband she has had a rough season. However, no matter how distraught she was, her words carried an undeniable weight of inevitability.
The question now is whether Aemond will take his sister’s warning seriously. The ambitious prince, eager to prove himself, maybe too consumed by his own desires to consider the possibility of a predetermined fate. And no matter what Aemond doesn’t, fate cannot change. So, how does Aemond die?
In case you missed it: 9 Things To Expect From ‘House Of The Dragon’ Season 3
The Battle Above The God’s Eye

Helaena Targaryen’s prophecy about her brother Aemond’s demise was tragically accurate. As foretold, Aemond met his end in the tumultuous waters of the God’s Eye. The epic confrontation between Aemond and his uncle, Daemon Targaryen, unfolded above this treacherous body of water.
Additionally, both princes and their dragons fell into the depths after a major fight. The aftermath of the battle painted a grim picture. Aemond’s body was recovered, bearing the mark of Daemon’s sword, Dark Sister thrust through his eye socket. Moreover, the tragic irony of a prophecy fulfilled casts a long shadow over the already grim tale of the Targaryen civil war.
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