HomeTV ShowWhy 'South Park' Creators Keep Making Fun Of Barbra Streisand?

Why ‘South Park’ Creators Keep Making Fun Of Barbra Streisand?

There are no sacred cows for South Park’ creators Trey Stone and Matt Parker. They push, rather tear, the envelope when it comes to messaging through satire. The show is famous for calling out delinquent celebrity behavior and its hilarious topical celebrity parodies, but they seem to have an axe to grind with Barbra Streisand.

Barbra Streisand has been featured more than once on the show. Stone and Parker’s jokes are to be taken with a pinch of salt. But they keep reiterating the fact that they really dislike Barbara Streisand. After digging, we discovered why the show’s creators seem to have a grudge against such a multigenerational talent.

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All Barbra Streisand Appearances On ‘South Park’

South Park episode 'Mecha-Streisand'
South Park episode ‘Mecha-Streisand

The episode titled ‘Mecha-Streisand‘ disgracefully featured Barbra Streisand for the first time on ‘South Park.’In the episode, she seems to be looking for a fabled diamond with magical powers. She then transforms into a giant Japanese robot monster, a Mecha-Streisand, when she obtains the diamond. As an apex predator, she wreaks havoc on the town of South Park.

Streisand’s second appearance was on the episode ‘Spookyfish.’ The episode implies that she’s inexplicably terrifying and uses her as a background joke in scene transitions. She later appears as a picture on Osama Bin Laden’s wall in the episode ‘Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants.’

South Park‘ gave her a CGI makeover for episodes ‘200‘ and ‘201.’ After being resurrected in ‘200,’ she returns as Mecha Streisand. She causes death and destruction in South Park. But thanks to divine intervention and the angelic singing voice of Neil Diamond, Mecha-Streisand calms down.

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Why Did Matt Stone And Trey Parker Dislike Barbra Streisand?

Matt Stone and Trey Parker remember Barbara Streisand's hurtful remarks about Colorado
Matt Stone and Trey Parker remember Barbra Streisand’s hurtful remarks about Colorado

In one word? Politics. When Streisand visited Aspen in 1992, she swore never to return. Colorado passed Amendment 2 to their state constitution, forbidding homosexuals from being recognized as a protected class. She spoke out against the state and all its citizens, calling them a “bunch of hicks.

Matt and Trey took it personally after being born and bred in Colorado. Since then, they have concentrated their efforts on the most disgusting representation of Barbra Streisand. She has reacted to her pop culture parodies, suggesting shows like ‘South Park‘ and ‘Family Guy‘ promote cynicism among children.

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Shaurya Thakur
Shaurya Thakurhttps://firstcuriosity.com/
Shaurya Thakur is a Content Writer at First Curiosity, who, in his personal time, is writing the greatest "overcoming post-academic slump existential crises" story. His current obsessions are John Cassavetes and Jack Kerouac; musically, he belongs to Arctic Monkeys and Franz Ferdinand.

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