The ‘Dragon Ball’ universe has a multitude of strong characters, both human and otherwise. They possess some of the strongest characters in the anime world. Son Goku and Vegeta are the most popular ‘Dragon Ball’ warriors, but they are not the only strong ones.
The gods of destruction in Dragon Ball are extremely powerful and can live for millions of years. They are almost immortal and have an angel assigned to them. Let’s find out what happens if in any case the god of destruction dies or is killed and what happens to the angel that is assigned to them.

What Happens When A God Of Destruction Dies?

A god of destruction is an entity with immense power. Each universe has a god of destruction for it. Each god of destruction has an angel assigned to them which guides them and acts as their attendant.
A god of destruction is tasked with eliminating any threats to its assigned universe. Any planet, race, or individual threatening the sanctity and safety of the universe may be eliminated by them.
Although the gods are nearly immortal, they can be killed. Once they are killed there is a void to be filled in their position. As such, a new god of destruction is appointed. The chosen candidate doesn’t necessarily have to be immortal or a god, he may very well be a mortal. Vegeta and Goku were offered the position of God of destruction but both refused. Once a person accepts the position, the power transfers to them, and they become nearly immortal.
What Happens To The Angel?

As mentioned above, each god has an angel by their side. This angel is someone who guides them but also acts as their attendant. Angels are immortal beings and cannot be killed by anyone.
Each angel is appointed to each of the 12 universes and they are not necessarily bound to it. The grand minister however serves Zeno, the most powerful being in the Dragon Ball universe Each angel has a halo around its neck when at full power except the grand minister who has the halo on their head. An angel can only be killed if it breaks any of the angel rules.
This means that angels do not die when their god dies. An angel simply becomes inactive in this case. Since the angel must guide its god and if in any scenario, the god dies, it is left with no job. Therefore it goes into something similar to a sleep mode and only awakens once the replacement for the god of destruction is chosen.
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