In ‘Hunter x Hunter’, nen is something that every good hunter possesses. It is also considered a secret Hunter exam and Hunter is not fully considered a hunter until he has learned Nen. It is a method that enables a living thing to use and control its life energy, commonly referred as “aura”.
Nen is a harmful power that is kept concealed from the general people to maintain society’s equilibrium because it may be used to create a wide range of parapsychological talents. This method is not endorsed by any instructor due to the dangers it possesses. With that being said, let us dive in to know more about Nen and its classifications.
What Is Nen?

In conversation, the term “Nen” can also be used to describe aura. A “Nen user” is the colloquial term for someone who can utilize Nen. To control the flow of the aura, a student learning Nen practices manually opening and closing their Aura Nodes. Meditation is usually the best way to gently and gradually learn this procedure. Another technique, known as Initiation involves pressuring the Aura Nodes to open. This method forces the aura nodes to open when via an influx of aura. This method is not endorsed by any instructor due to the dangers it possesses. There are four basic principles of nen that are the building blocks of all other techniques- Ren, Zetsu, Hatsu, and Ten.
Ten is to envelop or shroud. When a person opens his aura nodes, he has to stop the aura from leaking from his body. Ten teaches how to mold the aura in a way that it flows around the body rather than away from it. Ren concentrates on projecting an enormous amount of aura outwards compared to Ten. This increases the user’s physical power and stamina and creates a sizable aura pool for any advanced methods or special skills they choose to employ.
Zetsu completely halts the flow of aura from a person’s body. The user can prevent all of their Aura Nodes from opening, stopping the flow of their aura like water from a valve, making it considerably more difficult or even impossible to detect them. One’s expression of Nen is called Hatsu. Its characteristics are determined by, but not limited to, the natural Nen category of the Nen user, one of the six accessible. To perform a specific task, one uses hatsu to project their aura, giving them a rare and distinctive paranormal skill known as a “Nen talent.”
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Nen And Its Classifications in ‘Hunter x Hunter’

Nen is classified into six types. A person is born with a certain Nen type and the type rarely changes during their youth or in their lifetimes. One can find out their nen type through the water divination test, putting a leaf in a glass full of water, and using hatsu on it. The Nen classifications are as follows:

The skill of using aura to enhance an object’s or one’s natural talents are known as enhancement. As a result, Enhancers can significantly improve their physical attack and defense, making them ideal for melee combat.

A person who has a transmutation affinity can alter their aura’s characteristics to imitate other things or just certain traits. Changes to aura shape also fall under this Nen category.

A user who has an affinity for Emission finds it simpler to distinguish their aura from their body. When an aura leaves the source body, it typically loses intensity fairly rapidly. Still, skilled emitters can effortlessly remove their aura from their body for extended periods and over great distances.

Conjuration is typically thought of as the power to conjure forth a physical, independent, material item from one’s aura; nevertheless, practitioners of this skill can also invent rules and regulations and apply them to a particular region.

Manipulation-related skills enable the user to command both living and non-living things, including aura constructions. The capacity to influence the enemy directly is this category’s most significant advantage in combat.

The most ambiguous Nen kind, specialization could be broadly defined as anything that does not fit into any of the other five categories. As a result, its impacts are extensive: Others enable the user to learn information that would be impossible to learn through other ways, such as regarding past or future occurrences; yet others have entirely other effects. Some change Hatsu itself, such as by absorbing other people’s Nen skills or by changing affinities. These are the six categories of nen in Hunter x Hunter .
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