Popularity and quality aren’t always correlated, and there are many anime series where this is the case. Now, by saying a show is “overrated,” we don’t necessarily mean it’s of low quality. Action, characterization, drama, and general entertainment are all major strengths of the majority of popular television programs. They may not be the best watches, but they are still good.
When their fame overcomes their goodness, they also come out as being overhyped. The fact that they may not be the greatest the medium has to offer does not, however, mean that watching one of them is a waste of time. Therefore, here is our ranking of the top 10 overrated anime.
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10. Sword Art Online

There are many RPG video game-based stories in manga and anime, but it doesn’t mean future entries shouldn’t try to innovate. ‘Sword Art Online’, sadly, isn’t that reinvention. It excels at wowing spectators with lightning-fast action and gorgeously generated images.
These are effective in detracting from the core plot, which involves characters being stuck in a video game fantasy world and having to advance as players in order to survive. Even problematic are the overly dramatic plots and poorly handled female characters. Despite this, ‘SAO’ has given rise to a massively popular franchise.
9. Pokémon

‘Pokemon’ nostalgia isn’t going away any time soon, and neither is the anime series that contributed significantly to the cultural phenomenon’s success in the 1990s. For more than twenty years, Ash, Pikachu, and a rotating cast of friends have been making fruitless attempts to become Pokemon Masters.
‘Pokemons’ early seasons, while never fantastic, had some momentum. One overarching story arc was obviously envisioned, but the show turned into an endless cash cow instead, leaving us with cliched plots and the main character who had suffered from arrested growth.
8. Highschool Of The Dead

2011’s ‘Highschool of the Dead’ only had one season, but those who watched it were deeply affected. You only need to be aware of the plot’s pitting of a group of attractive students and a single school nurse against a swarm of zombies. But, if you are looking for a good plot, this anime’s pretty overrated.
Its popularity is based on sensationalism, also known as fan service, which includes severe violence, extreme sexualization, and extreme gore. As a result, it was completely banned from China. Despite being on the New York Times Best Sellers list, both the manga series and its anime adaptation have received harsh criticism for being as dull and uninspired as the creatures they depict.
7. Blue Exorcist

The goal of ‘Blue Exorcist’ is where the issue with the plot.
Kazue Kato is the author and artist of the Japanese dark fantasy manga series Blue Exorcist. Rin Okumura, a young man who learns that he and his twin brother Yukio are truly the children of Satan, born of a human woman and that he has inherited Satan’s skills, is the story’s protagonist.
However, it quickly loses steam and veers off course to focus on the cliched school setting and thin romantic subplots.
6. Akame ga Kill!

Takahiro’s very well-known comic ‘Akame ga Kill!‘ was turned into an anime in 2014. It was billed as some new killer seinen-quality anime that will shock and surprise, and it was overly hyped. But that’s not what we actually got, no.
According to reports, it significantly departed from the manga, disappointing even the original fans with its gritty depiction of assassins and combat and an excessively violent look that never quite matched the initial few episodes. There are much more anime that is superior. And this one appears to either be adored absurdly or despised fiercely.
5. Charlotte

One of the most painfully forgettable shows I’ve ever seen somehow drops the ball in the heaviest of ways, trying to be serious or gloomy without cause.
Even after completing his “redemption arc,” the main character, Yuu, is a miserable individual. Furthermore, the use of time travel and deus-ex-machina merely renders his sacrifices pointless. Despite all of this, many people adore and venerate it. and has an incredibly high rating and score on most websites.
4. Elfen Lied

One of the most overrated anime to ever exist. ‘Elfen Lied’ is a gloomy, absurdly stupid, and unfunny anime that managed to trick millions of people into thinking it was profound. Even for 2004. The animation is unremarkable, and the audio is monotonous save from the opening track, “Lithium,” which is actually the highlight of the entire experience. It would not have performed as well as it did if not for the brutal and frightening initial ten minutes and subsequent scenes of relentless sharpness. Elfen Lied is a conglomeration of cliches and traditions from the media compressed into a 13-episode unfinished experience. It is not philosophically profound, it is not entirely original, and it is not very unique.
3. Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon?

At a time when fans were getting increasingly disenchanted with the genre’s-tired formula, ‘DanMachi‘ was released at the start of the Isekai frenzy. But now that there are many isekai animes that can compete with DanMaichi, it deserves its place on our most overrated list.
We were ultimately disappointed by ‘DanMachis’ somewhat revised approach, which he presented and was successful in conveying. ‘DanMachi’ is a series with limited potential that keeps giving, from the character design, world design, and combat to the plot development and cringe-worthy dialogue.
2. Tokyo Ghoul

Due to its depiction of a kid thrust into a world that tests his morality and axiological functions, pushing him to the edge of humanity and survival, the original manga by Sui Ishida is adored by many. It succeeds in elevating the straightforward notion to respectable heights with excellent writing and lovely illustrations.
The Studio Pierrot adaptation from the first season was really nice. Although the plot moved quickly, the score and artistic direction were stunning. Then, for unclear reasons, a sequel with a worsened production that took a detour from the primary plot was released.
1. Sailor Moon

the most overrated anime ever, ‘Sailor Moon‘. This enduring magical girl series, which played a significant role in the 1990s anime boom, has had an enormous influence on popular culture. However, just because something was first doesn’t automatically make it the best. Even though the anime is loaded with charm, it takes some time for us to look past the shortcomings of its titular heroine.
In addition, the show reuses a lot of footage and is credited with popularising overly drawn-out transformation sequences, which have subsequently become the subject of parodies. Every new anime viewer should watch ‘Sailor Moon’, but there are other superior magical girls.
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