The main factor that influences people’s decision to watch their favorite show is the amount of happiness, amusement, and thrills that can be found in the world of anime. A lot of people think that watching anime is the best way to escape their problems and get some calm.
But occasionally, even your favorite series might make you feel uneasy because they feature some of the most despised anime characters. Let’s learn more about the top 10 most hated characters in the anime world.

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10) Sakura Haruno

Being a part of Team 7 and standing by Naruto through thick and thin didn’t exactly win Sakura Haruno admirers around. Sakura is neither a bully nor a villain, unlike many other detested anime characters, and she has some redeeming qualities like medical ninjutsu and commitment to her friends.
But for some admirers, that’s insufficient. Sakura is frequently made fun of for her loud and bratty conduct and for consistently being Team 7’s weakest member. She is despised for her verbal abuse of Naruto Uzumaki and her obsessive and frequently misguided crush on Sasuke. In addition, the fans also hate her for playing with Naruto’s feelings and saying that she likes knowing that Naruto has always liked her. These are some of the qualities that make her the most hated anime character despite her not being evil.
9) Orihime Inoue

Orihime Inoue is not the most universally despised anime character, but she still has a lot of critics for a few very important reasons. She is a likable and dependable buddy in the Bleach plot who possesses extraordinary bravery, which won the hearts of the majority of Bleach characters.
Though many Bleach fans fervently ship Ichigo and Rukia in the fandom, as the manga’s concluding chapter revealed, Orihime had already ‘claimed Ichigo for herself’. Because their OTP was destroyed, many fans were incensed. In addition, Orihime is frequently made fun of for repeatedly exclaiming “Ichigo!” or “Kurosaki-kun!” during combat scenes out of worry. Orihime has proved herself useful plenty of times but it does not do anything to save her from the hate some fans give her.
8) Rachel

Rachel from ‘Tower of God’ is one of those characters that very hate from the get-go. The fans hated her when she left Bam with no explanation ad their hate only grew as the story went on.
The love tale between Rachel and Bam is where ‘Tower of God’ began. Bam decided to ascend the tower and find Rachel for her sake. He formed allies, carried out assignments, and eventually ran across Rachel again. But Rachel, taking advantage of Bam’s generosity, deceived him and forced him outside the safety bubble out of her selfish desire to climb the tower alone.
She played on Bam’s emotions, pretended to be disabled, and used her teammates for her gain. Her devil laugh towards the end of the season served as further evidence. With her innocent grin, Rachel deceived everyone, but her fans had no idea how treacherous she was.
7) Mineta

Pervy characters generally add a fun element to the anime. They are funny and silly and they make the anime and the scene significantly lighter. One such figure is Minoru Mineta, but regrettably, few people seem to enjoy him (or say not anyone). His character design is the first thing that strikes as both hilarious and odd. Second, he solely thinks about girls and erotica in his imagination.
People despise him even though he has never done anything bad or wrong, and that seems to be justified given the fact that Mineta has never contributed to the show as a student at U.A. His presence is essentially nonexistent, and he annoys the viewers with his lewd behavior during the commercial breaks. Fans of My Hero Academia dislike him a great deal because of this.
6) Mahito

Some villains are very liked despite their horrendous crimes. This may be because of their ideology, looks, or charm. Certain examples include Aizen from Bleach and Pain from Naruto. Mahito, however, falls in none of the above categories. He is a hated villain through and through
The prime reason for the hate towards him is that he not only ‘killed’ The sweet innocent human Jumpei, but he also transformed him. He did all of this in front of Itadori. What makes it worse is that he has no remorse for his actions and considers them fun. This is why he is one of the most hated anime characters of all time.
5) Akito Sohma

Akito Sohma, the head of the Soma family in the fruits basket is a girl but portrays herself as a man so that no one questions her authority. Whilst that in itself is not a problem, Akito is cruel and unfeeling. She is indifferent to others’ pain and does not care who she hurts as long as she gets what she wants.
Akito demands absolute loyalty and obedience from the Sohmas, and anyone who even the least bit disobeys her is met with a temper tantrum. She scares the Sohmas by using verbal, emotional, and even physical abuse, but this just causes Kyo, Yuki, and Momiji to grow farther distant from her. Her mother Ren is somehow equally terrible, if not worse.
4) Danzo

Danzo is quite possibly the most hated character in Naruto, significantly more so than Sakura. Whilst Sakura has not done anything evil to warrant the hate towards her, Danzo is the complete opposite. He is a terrible and ruthless person who has done many evil deeds.
Even by ninja standards, Danzo is a cold, ruthless, and pitiless man who regards all of his servants as expendable tools.
Tsunade frequently disagreed with Danzo when serving as Hokage. To protect Naruto Uzumaki from the Akatsuki, Danzo also intended to practically jail him in the village, but his strategies were too harsh. The result was Sasuke Uchiha killing him which made the fans quite happy
3) Princess Malty S Melromarc

Malty can be viewed as the main adversary of ‘The Rising of the Shield Hero’ because her nefarious deeds set everything in motion. She is both the worst and the first princess of Melromarc.
Malty was the only person Naofumi trusted when he first visited the fictional world of Heroes since she was so amiable and courteous to him. Naofumi made the worst error by falling prey to her waning beauty right away.
The girl Naofumi trusted the most turned the tables on him by accusing him of sexual assault and disgracing his role as a Shield hero. Malty is one of the most despised anime characters because of her dishonesty.
2) GabiÂ

Gabi Braun the warrior candidate would be quite admirable and somewhat sympathetic as a character if it weren’t for just two crucial aspects, but ‘Attack on Titan’ fans felt that this brash, gung-ho young soldier went too far. For what she did, she is not easily pardonable.
The entire fandom immediately banded against Gabi after she sneaked into the airship and shot beloved Sasha Braus. Additionally, Gabi is despised for her brainwashed perspective on her fellow Eldians, obstinately holding that they are devils who ought to be punished or killed.
Some fans argue that she is doing what the past Eren would have done if put in her place. But this does nothing to stop the Attack On Titan fandom from hating Gabi. The hate is to the point that people wish for Gabi to die in the manga.Â
1) Shou TuckerÂ

One of the greatest shonen anime series ever seen by fans is ‘Fullmetal Alchemist’. Hiromu Arakawa, one of the most well-known female mangaka, gave the characters the best possible representation, and viewers adored the program.
 The Sewing-Life Alchemist, Shou Tucker, was one of those characters that made his appearance fairly early on in the series. He was asked by Ed and Al to assist them in solving mysteries since he was a well-known biochemical scientist, and he also appeared to be quite friendly.
The actions he took to protect his neck from the government, however, were wholly unacceptable. The cruelest deed fans have ever witnessed was when he combined the bodies of his pet dog, Alexander, and daughter Nina.
In the name of science and making a chimera, Shou destroyed the life of his sweet, innocent daughter and his pet dog. This is why he is the most hated anime character of all time.Â