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Hulk Hogan Endorses “Donald Dick J. Trump” By Ripping Apart His T-Shirt To Reveal Trump-Vance 2024

It appears that Hulk Hogan has officially switched from Hulkamania to Trumpamania. As the presidential elections draw near, several celebrities are coming up in support of either of the candidates — Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Joining the list is Hulk Hogan, who endorsed Donald Trump in a rather catchy way at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

The wrestler gave a passionate yet bizarre speech at the convention supporting the Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential race. Here’s what else he did to show his support for Trump in an iconic move. 

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Hulk Hogan Gives A Fiery Speech In Support Of Donald Trump

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

Hulk Hogan gave a rather repetitive and bewildering address at the Republican National Convention, as he urged the crowd to “let Trumpamania run wild, brother.” Amid chants of “USA,” he began his speech endorsing Donald Trump.

“When I came here tonight, there was so much energy in this room, I felt maybe I was in Madison Square Garden getting ready to win another world title… but what I found out was I was in a room full of real Americans, brother. And at the end of the day, with our leader up there, my hero, that gladiator, we’re gonna bring America back together, one real American at a time, brother,” Hogan declared.

He also compared Trump and his running mate, J.D. Vance, to legendary tag teams. “You know somethin’, I’ve seen some great tag-teams in my time: Hulk Hogan and oooh yeah, the Macho Man Randy Savage,” he said. “But you know somethin’? I see the greatest tag-team of my life standing upon us, getting ready to straighten this country out for all the real Americans,” Hulk Hogan said.

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Hulk Hogan Rips Apart His T-Shirt To Reveal His Trump-Vance 2024

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

In an odd twist, Hulk Hogan referred to Donald Trump as “Donald Dick J. Trump”. “Even though you guys are real Americans, you better get ready, because when Donald Dick J. Trump becomes the president of the United States, all the real Americans are gonna be nicknamed Trumpites,” he said.

However, the highlight of his speech came when he dramatically ripped open his Hulk Hogan shirt to reveal a Trump-Vance 2024 top underneath. “I think about how Donald Trump, his family was compromised,” Hogan said.

When I look out there and I see Donald Trump, I think about how his business was compromised. But what happened last week when they took a shot at my hero, and they tried to kill the next president of the United States, enough was enough! And I said, let Trumpamania run wild, brother,” he said.

Hogan concluded his speech by addressing an unusual set of viewers. “All you criminals, all you low-lifes, all you scumbags, all you drug dealers, and all you crooked politicians need to answer one question, brother: Whatcha gonna do when Donald Trump and all the Trumpomaniacs run wild on you, brother? God bless you, and thank you,” he said.

The live stream cut to Trump, smiling and fist-pumping in approval. The RNC also featured speeches from Amber Rose, Dana White, and Tucker Carlson.

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Aishwarya is a Senior Sub-Editor at First Curiosity. Working as a news writer for over 3 years, she has written on an array of things for a couple of media houses in different capacities. With writing as her outlet, she is now exploring the world of art and glamour. Her love for films and writing stems from her fondness for words and all things artsy. An avid reader and writer alike, Aishwarya likes to delve into any and all forms of art.

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