Johnny Depp’s Fans Sign Petition To Replace Amber Heard With His Lawyer Camille Vasquez in ‘Aquaman 2’

Fans are now suggesting that Warner Bros replace Amber Heard as Mera with Johnny Depp’s attorney Camille Vasquez in Aquaman 2
Fans are now suggesting that Warner Bros replace Amber Heard as Mera with Johnny Depp’s attorney Camille Vasquez in Aquaman 2

Can you believe it? Johnny Depp’s fans now have some strange expectations, it seems. The high-profile legal battle between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has been ruling almost all the media outlets. From celebrities to brands and even the general public has picked sides, but it’s still unclear who is saying the truth. Recently, the fans have stepped further than just supporting Johnny They have expressed their eagerness to remove Amber Heard from “Aquaman 2”. Their suggestions of replacing Heard with Depp’s attorney Camille Vasquez is making the headlines.

In this whole defamation battle, Johnny Depp’s attorney Camille Vasquez has become an internet sensation. Her performance in the courtroom is winning millions of hearts. The 38-year-old lawyer is currently working with Brown Rudnik Firm. The firm is representing Johnny Depp in Orange County, California, US. The legal genius graduated from the University of Southern California in the year 2006. In 2010, she did her degree at Southwest Law School. She is among the nine attorneys in the Heard-Depp case.

Johnny Depp’s Attorney Camille Vasquez: The New Mera?

Fans are now suggesting that Warner Bros replace Amber Heard as Mera with Johnny Depp’s attorney Camille Vasquez in Aquaman 2
Camille Vasquez as Mera in Aquaman 2

The ongoing defamation case between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has cost the “Pirates of Caribbean” actor his role in the “Fantastic Beasts: Secrets of Dumbledore”. Fans were shocked when they got to know after all this that Amber Heard still has a role in “Aquaman 2” by Warner Bros. So, they have now come up with an interesting replacement for Heard in the movie. They want Depp’s attorney Camille Vasquez to play Mera. They have even started a petition. The petition has about 2000 signatures that reads, “Although Amber is a ‘credible’ actor and has actually demonstrated it on many occasions, not just in films or ‘perhaps’ on the stand.”

“If Camille is half the actor she is as a lawyer this will be an absolute blockbuster of a film.”


Is Johnny Depp Dating Camille Vasquez?

Johnny Depp Camille Vasquez sharing Hug
Johnny Depp Camille Vasquez sharing Hug

During the defamation trial kept, there were back-to-back personal attacks and many secrets between Depp and Heard came to light. Rumors of Depp dating his attorney Camille Vasquez also created a buzz across the globe. It started after their close interactions in court. The two shared hugs and held hands, which got the fans excited.

Many channels have asked Vasquez about the widespread Rumours. She laughed off the questions. But on the other side, some people are saying that Camille is happily taken. It’s been several months that she has been dating someone.

However, this will likely never happen. In the end, Camille Vasquez isn’t an actress. She is a renowned lawyer.

Warner Bros hasn’t removed Amber Heard from the upcoming DC film. Now it’ll be interesting to see if this petition somehow affects Warner Bros to make any alterations to “Aquaman 2”.

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