Mark Hamill is without a doubt one of the most famous and well-respected actors working in Hollywood today. He is known for his roles in some of the most successful films of all time, including the first three installments of the Star Wars saga.
Mark Hamill has once and for all put to rest a lengthy argument over Star Wars by relating a factual incident from the film’s set.
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Mark Hamill Settles A long-Running “Star Wars” Argument

In “Star Wars” universe, there has been a lot of controversy over the years about how to pronounce “AT-AT.”
How do you pronounce AT-AT?
— Star Wars (@starwars) July 8, 2022
After the official Star Wars Twitter account made a joke about imperial walkers with a vote in which the answer was “AT-AT” either way, Mark Hamill offered to help:
I think it's "@-@", even though I always called them "walkers"
— Mark Hamill (@MarkHamill) July 10, 2022
In response to the viral post, writer Tara Dublin reached out to actor Mark Hamill to get his view on the situation.
It was George Lucas himself who told him that there may not be a correct pronunciation for any of the names or characters’ pronunciations, and he pinned it to his profile for all to see:
FYI: When we would ask George: "Is it Chew-bah-ka or Chew-back-a?" / "Is it Lay-a or Lee-a?" / "Is it Hahn or Han (as in hand)?"- he would just shrug & didn't really care. He told us it would be pronounced in various ways in different parts of the galaxy. 🤨#TrueStory
— Mark Hamill (@MarkHamill) July 10, 2022
How To Say “AT-AT” According To The Official Star Wars Canon

In the canon of Star Wars, how do you say AT-AT? When ‘The Empire Strikes’ Back came out in 1980, the four-legged walker made its debut. Deliberations over how to pronounce AT-AT have sprung up in the fan community since it was given a name. In a series full of abbreviations, this one is undoubtedly the most passionately debated. The Imperial All Terrain Armored Transport steals the show from the AT-ST, AAT, STAP, and everything else in between.
Cal Kestis uses the “at-at” annunciation on Kashyykk in Jedi: Fallen Order, for example. While some properties, like Star Wars Rebels, use “A-T-A-T” as their abbreviation of choice. Of course, fans are left in the dark about which option is actually canonical. As a result, the question of which decision in the Star Wars canon right continues to be controversial. Since it hasn’t truly been given a name, why is there so much ambiguity about its meaning?
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