Taylor Swift is just as influential on TikTok as she is in the music business. The singer’s brand and relevancy have only increased over the duration of her nearly two-decade career, and what sets her apart from many other musicians is her devoted fan base, known as the Swifties.
Over the past few years, Swifties have created SwiftTok, a chaotic community on TikTok. Users usually discuss her conspiracies and songs in their discussions. She has been very active on TikTok, revealing new information about her new album ‘Midnights’. The Wildest Dreams slow-zoom trend and The Enchanted trend are only two of the many TikTok trends that Taylor invented. Taylor joined TikTok in August 2021 and regularly posts, comments on, and enjoys the TikToks of other creators.
Read More: Here’s all we know about the lyrics of Taylor Swift’s next studio album: Midnights
What Is SwiftTok For Taylor Swift?

SwiftTok is a community on TikTok for Swift enthusiasts and Swift content, much like BookTok is for book readers. Swifties who take part in it might be seen assessing any of her songs, giving her album reviews, or flaunting their vinyl records.
SwiftTok appears to be a standard community of passionate fans at first glance, but digging a little deeper reveals a committed group that is determined to analyze every word the singer says in order to learn more about her next projects.
There is a key difference that sets Taylor Swift (and SwiftTok) apart from her peers, despite the fact that an expanding “stan culture” has contributed to fortifying the fan bases of popular musicians worldwide. There is no GrandeTok or BeiberTok, so it would seem that other contemporary, well-known artists aren’t having the same impact on TikTok as Swift does.
Read More: Taylor talks about her plans to direct a feature film
What Are The Conspiracy Theories Regarding Swift’s Music?

Taylor frequently leaves Easter Eggs in her music, lyrics, even statements; basically anything. These Easter Eggs act as hints for her next project. Swift’s devoted followers analyze her songs, videos, and red-carpet appearances with a great level of precision.
Swift talked about her affinity for including secret messages, or “Easter eggs,” to use the word from the film for her followers in various kinds of media in an interview with Entertainment Weekly in 2019. She said, “I love to communicate through Easter eggs, I think the best messages are cryptic ones.”
With her self-titled first album from 2006, which had a lyric booklet with capitalized letters that spelled out a hidden message, that’s when she really started leaving out Easter Eggs.
Fans try and decode everything – from the color of outfits she wears, and the words she uses during any statement – to things like the number of words on her Instagram captions, and every minute detail in everything she posts. At this point, anything can be an Easter Egg. A lyric from one of her songs, to the color of her wall or the number of holes in a fence she’s posing against. And more often than not, Swifties are usually correct.
So, What Are Her Recent Easter Eggs?

Fans are speculating and currently delving deeper into her merch store and a particular charm bracelet. They think this can be an Easter Egg about the chronology of her re-recordings. She has also recently uploaded TikTok where she’s revealing the tracklist for her latest album ‘Midnight’ in a series she calls ‘Midnights Mayhem With Me’. Here she uses a ‘technologically advanced device’ to choose the tracks she’s going to reveal and uses a speaker-phone to announce it.
Fans are theorizing that the two songs, ‘Anti-Hero’ and ‘Vigilante-Sh*t‘ where Swift is seen holding the phone upside down, might be singles from the album.
What Is Next For Taylor Swift?

Taylor is set to release her tenth studio album ‘Midnights’ on the 21st of October. Besides that, she is going to appear on ‘The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon’ and the ‘Graham Norton Show’. She’s also set to release two music videos, and also has a ‘chaotic surprise’ for the fans. Reportedly there’s also a UK tour in store as said on her website.
Read More: Midnights Album: Taylor Swift Says ‘Fantasizing About Revenge Kept Her Up At Night’