‘Avatar: The Way of Water‘ has been one of the most anticipated films of 2022. This James Cameron-directed sci-fi epic has been made on a budget of $350–460 million and needs to become the highest or second-highest-grossing film to break even.
However, Edie Falco, who plays General Frances Ardmore, shot the film so long ago that she thought the film had already been released. She also thought that it had bombed at the box office. Let’s find out in detail what Falco said about the film.
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Edie Falco Talks About ‘Avatar: The Way Of Water’

James Cameron started working on the ‘Avatar‘ sequel in 2012 and the film hit the theatres in 2022. That’s a decade-long time and anything that can happen during that long time.
Edie Falco, who plays General Frances Ardmore, talked about the confusion she had with the film’s release in ABC’s The View interview. “I saw the first one when it was out — that’s going back some time,” she said.
Falco said she shot for the sequel around four years ago and got busy with her other works. She said recently “somebody mentioned Avatar, and I thought, ‘Oh, I guess it came out and didn’t do very well,’ because I didn’t hear anything.”
She continued, “So I thought, ‘It happens.’ And then somebody recently said, ‘Oh, Avatar’s coming out!’ Oh! It hasn’t come out yet?”
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How Much Money Did The Film Make In Its First Week

The film had a global opening of $441.7 million, the 11th highest of all time. It was released in the USA and Canada on 12,000 screens. It also minted $48.8 million from IMAX screens.
Due to the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war, the film wasn’t released in Russia, which had an impact on its collection. Though the film has been released in both 2D and 3D formats, most people preferred the latter to have a fully immersive experience.
It also had the third largest opening in a post-pandemic world behind ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ and ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.’
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