We just love it when we have a hilarious comeback in a situation where your back is against the wall. A strong comeback crafted in nice words can affect the person deeply who is trying to punch you down.
In case you are unable to find some of the best comebacks to use in real life, we have curated a list of 10 amazing lines from films and television shows that you can use as hilarious comebacks.
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10 Awesome Lines From Pop Culture

- When your friend is asking you to show your answer sheet in the exam hall, but the teacher is looking directly at you. You can say “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” (1939 film ‘Gone With The Wind‘).
- When you tell a joke but your friend doesn’t get it. You can try, “I’ll explain and I’ll use small words so that you’ll be sure to understand.” (1987 film ‘The Princess Bride‘).
- When your friend does something that doesn’t make sense. You can utter “You are what the French call, les incompetent.” (1990 film ‘Home Alone‘).
- When someone goes below the belt while attacking you – “You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.” – (1995 film ‘Toy Story’).
- When you are convincing your friend to go on a vacation. The classic line that always works is, “I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.” (1972 film ‘The Godfather‘).

6. When your crush is asking you if she should laugh at your silly jokes: “Go ahead, make my day.” (1983 film ‘Sudden Impact‘).
7. When someone roasts you badly in your friend group. You can simply give them back “You talking to me?” (1976 film ‘Taxi Driver’).
8. When you are drunk as hell and get into a fight with the bouncer, but your friends tell you to chill: “I laugh in the face of danger!” (1994 film ‘The Lion King‘).
9. When your partner asks why you visit the friends and relatives you don’t like. You can respond with this classic piece of dialogue. “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” – (1974 film ‘The Godfather Part II‘).
10. When you want to quit your job but your subordinate is not letting you. You can use the super savage burn from the much-loved romantic comedy. “But if staying here means working within 10 yards of you, frankly, I’d rather have a job wiping Saddam Hussein’s arse.” (2001 film ‘Bridget Jones’s Diary).
There is a savage comeback in films and television shows for every possible situation that you can use.