I cannot think of a more majestic astonishing creature than dragons. They look so magical and fierce and fit in almost every fantastical plots. For a long time, I thought dragons were so cool because they could breathe fire but then Ice Dragons completely shocked me, when they breathed ice. (Yes! You heard that right!)
In ‘A Song of Ice and Fire‘, the ice dragons are “made of living ice, with eyes of pale blue crystal, vast translucent wings, and breath of cold.” It is also the name of a constellation that points towards the north. Unlike the fire-breathers, they’re only considered legendary. Know more about Ice Dragons and know how they are different from normal dragons.
What Are Ice Dragons?

Stories of ice dragons have appeared in the majority of the ‘A Song Of Ice And Fire’ series. In here, ice dragons are described as being a different type of species than a fire-breathing dragon. It is a native to the Shivering Sea off of Essos. Like the Children of the Forest, the North of Westeros were raised hearing tales of ice dragons.
In ‘A Dance with Dragons’, Jon remembers Old Nan telling him stories about ice dragons when he was a boy. Whilst, in ‘A Clash of Kings’, Osha references the ice dragon as a type of star alignment in the sky. Ice dragons might be a myth; there is no tangible proof they have ever existed. If there is any truth to the lore though, they are as destructive as their fiery counterparts.
Read More: ‘House Of The Dragon’: How Did Dragons Come Into Existence? Were They Created By Magic?
How Are They Different From Normal Dragons?

Ice Dragons differ at large from the normal dragons. They are said to be larger than the dragons of Valyria, and made out of living ice, with pale blue crystal eyes and vast translucent wings. Their cold breath could instantly freeze people and things solid. This quality is exactly the opposite of the regular dragons that breath fire.
There is a constellation of stars to the north called the ice dragon, with blue eyes that point north. If they do exist, they are probably not closely related to normal dragons. Normal dragons are said to be fire made flesh, whilst ice dragons are ice made flesh. Ice dragons grow larger, stronger and are more terrifying than the normal ones.