HomeMarvel7 Best Deadpool Variants In Marvel Comics

7 Best Deadpool Variants In Marvel Comics

Deadpool. The Merc with a Mouth. The Regenerating Degenerate. Whatever the fan-favorite nickname is, there’s no denying Wade Wilson’s place as one of Marvel’s most popular and unpredictable characters.  

However, there’s a whole multiverse out there teeming with even weirder Deadpools. From talking dogs to disembodied heads to a (slightly) more regal Deadpool, there’s a variant out there for everyone. So, let’s dive into the wacky, wonderful world of Deadpool variants!

Related: Top 10 Strange Yet Entertaining Deadpool Team-Ups In Marvel Comics

7. Dogpool


Everyone has a soft spot for dogs. Now, imagine combining that adorable canine cuteness with Deadpool’s regenerative healing factor, and…well, you get Dogpool. This good boy gained the ability to regenerate after a tragic accident. 

While he may not have the witty banter of his human counterpart, Dogpool brings a whole new meaning to ‘fetch’ and the ability to survive anything you throw at him (or throw him at). Additionally, he is even set to make an appearance in the upcoming ‘Deadpool And Wolverine.’ 

6. Headpool


Headpool is exactly what the name suggests: a disembodied Deadpool head bouncing around and causing chaos. This undead (well, unheaded?) The Deadpool variant comes from a zombie apocalypse timeline, where even regeneration has its limits.  

Despite lacking a body, Headpool retains all of Wade’s signature quirks: the chimichanga obsession, the pop culture references, and the fourth-wall breaking. Additionally, he may not be the most aesthetically pleasing Deadpool out there but he is one.

5. Lady Deadpool

Lady Deadpool
Lady Deadpool

This Deadpool has buns of steel! (Literally, her costume involves a lot of armor). Lady Deadpool, also known as Wanda Wilson, is the alternate-universe counterpart to our favorite mercenary.  

She’s just as skilled, just as crazy, and maybe even a touch more ruthless. Moreover, this version of Wade’s chaotic personality in a female body is a fun twist. Additionally, she is also expected to make an appearance in the upcoming film.

4. Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe (Deadpool)

Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe (Deadpool)
Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe (Deadpool)

This one’s a bit of a meta-narrative trip. Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe (Deadpool) is exactly what it sounds like a self-aware story where Deadpool decides to, well, kill everyone in the Marvel Universe. The twist? 

He’s also narrating the story, breaking the fourth wall in increasingly insane ways as he hunts down his fellow comic book characters. It’s a hilarious and self-deprecating look at the nature of fiction and Deadpool’s place within it.  

In case you missed it: Deadpool Vs. Wolverine: Which Mutant Has The Superior Healing Power?

3. Evil Deadpool (Dreadpool)


We all know Deadpool walks a fine line between hero and villain. However, what if he crossed completely over to the dark side?  Enter Dreadpool, a genuinely evil version of Wade Wilson.  

This sadistic, power-hungry Deadpool has no qualms about inflicting pain and suffering.  He’s basically everything we love about Deadpool – the humor, the violence, the fourth-wall breaking –  but dialed up to eleven and used for purely malicious purposes.  

2. King Deadpool

King Deadpool
King Deadpool

Ever wondered what Deadpool would be like as…well, royalty? Look no further than King Deadpool! This alternate Wade Wilson somehow ascended the throne and became the (questionable) ruler of Staten Island.  

Believe it or not, he doesn’t turn into a complete tyrant. King Deadpool still retains a sense of…well, Deadpool-ness. He throws chimichanga-themed royal balls, cracks inappropriate jokes during court sessions, and generally maintains a chaotic sense of order.  Moreover, it’s a hilarious look at how even with ultimate power, Deadpool remains Deadpool, for better or worse (mostly worse).

1. The Unworthy Thor Deadpool

The Unworthy Thor Deadpool
The Unworthy Thor Deadpool

We’ve seen Deadpool with swords, guns, katanas the whole mercenary arsenal. However, have you ever seen him wielding Mjolnir, the mighty hammer of Thor? In the wacky world of Deadpool variants, the answer, of course, is yes. Additionally, the Unworthy Thor Deadpool isn’t exactly your typical Asgardian god. 

This version of Wade found himself deemed worthy (well, sort of) of lifting Mjolnir, granting him the power of Thor. The problem? He’s still Deadpool. So, imagine the God of Thunder with the inability to stay serious for five minutes straight. The results are predictably hilarious and a little bit disturbing. Moreover, this Deadpool may have the power of a god, but he uses it mostly for comedic mayhem, making him the most unpredictable Thor ever.

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Vanshika Minakshi
Vanshika Minakshihttps://firstcuriosity.com/
Vanshika is a content writer at FirstCuriosity, diving into the vibrant universe of celebrities, movies, and TV shows with fervor. Her passion extends beyond her professional endeavors, as she immerses herself in the realms of rap music and video games, constantly seeking inspiration from diverse sources. She is a business student with a knack for marketing blending analytical insights with creative instincts to craft compelling narratives. When not working you can find her spending times with her beloved pet dogs or watching true crime documentaries.

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