The Marvel Cinematic Universe is known for its intricate character arcs and long-term payoffs. However, one of its most underdeveloped and ultimately abandoned relationships is that of Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) and Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo).
Introduced in ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ as an unexpected romantic pairing, their relationship was teased but never fully explored. Instead, it was repeatedly sidelined, ignored, and ultimately dismissed. Despite their undeniable chemistry, the MCU never knew how to handle their relationship. It dangled possibilities before abruptly cutting them off, creating an arc that felt incomplete.
The MCU Built Natasha Romanoff And Bruce Banner’s Relationship Only To Do Nothing About It

When ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ introduced the idea of Natasha and Bruce as a couple, it was surprising. The film set up a dynamic where Natasha, known for her ruthless efficiency and emotional control, could calm the Hulk with a soft, intimate touch. It established a quiet understanding between them, an ability to soothe one another in a chaotic world.
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This connection was further explored during their stay at Hawkeye’s family farm. In one of the film’s most intimate moments, Natasha and Bruce share a conversation that hints at the possibility of a future together. Bruce, always haunted by the destruction the Hulk can cause, believes he is incapable of having a normal life. Natasha then confesses that she, too, cannot have children due to the forced sterilization she endured.
The line where she calls herself a “monster” was widely criticized for its implications about infertility. However, the scene was meant to highlight their shared sense of isolation. Moreover, their connection had a lot of potential. It could have been a story about two broken people finding solace in each other. Instead, of developing this relationship further, the MCU effectively abandoned it.
The MCU Had Several Opportunities To Revisit Their Relationship

At the end of ‘Age of Ultron’, Hulk leaves Earth, isolating himself from the Avengers and, by extension, Natasha. The film seems to set up a reunion down the line, a promise that their relationship would be revisited. But when Natasha appears in ‘Captain America: Civil War’, there is no mention of Bruce.
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Bruce’s return in ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ offered an opportunity to reestablish their connection. However, Natasha’s presence in the film was reduced to a video message. While this message did help Bruce regain control and return to his human form, it lacked any real emotional follow-up. Moreover, if their bond was strong enough to bring him back, shouldn’t it have meant more?
The most glaring dismissal of their relationship came in ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ and ‘Endgame’. When Bruce and Natasha reunite after years apart in ‘Infinity War‘, the moment is reduced to a long look and an awkward joke from Falcon. The film acknowledges their history without doing anything with it. With the film already packed with multiple character arcs and the looming threat of Thanos, the romance was deemed unimportant.
In ‘Endgame’, their history is only hinted at when Natasha comments on Bruce’s new Smart Hulk transformation. When Natasha died in Vormir, Bruce reacted with sadness, but no more than the rest of the Avengers. No personal moment of grief is shown with no indication that their relationship ever meant something more than unfulfilled potential.
She-Hulk Confirmed What Fans Feared About Their Relationship

The MCU’s most definitive statement about Natasha and Bruce’s relationship comes not from the films but from ‘She-Hulk: Attorney at Law’. In the first episode, Bruce offhandedly mentions Natasha’s lullaby technique but admits he doesn’t know why it works. “I don’t have a great explanation for it,” he stated. With Natasha gone from the MCU, there is no longer any chance to revisit their story.
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Unlike Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, or even Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter, Bruce and Natasha’s relationship never received the conclusion it deserved. Now fans can’t help but wonder if the romance between Natasha and Bruce could have been a unique and compelling story within the MCU. However, in the MCU it became an afterthought.
Moreover, the huge number of characters kind of explains why the MCU had to skip over their relationship. However, they could’ve offered some resolution to fans. Even just addressing what could’ve been or then sharing a moment before Natasha’s death would’ve been enough. Instead, it was left unresolved.