Luxury brands, European destinations, and language are some of the allures of the Netflix production, ‘Emily in Paris‘. Undoubtedly, fashion ranks high on the list and Emily Cooper does not fail to bring the American perspective to the French industry. Bold and colorful, Lily Collins‘ character makes statements that cannot be ignored. However, one cannot always be spot-on and Emily has stumbled more than once.
Unlike Sylvie, who always brings her smooth, chic suave to every scene, Emily’s wardrobe is loud and bizarre. With Darren Star, creator of ‘Sex and The City’, as a consultant for the show, fashion is a mandatory symbol. However, in ‘Emily in Paris’ the characters don’t get the similar privileges to look “fabulous” when a crisis hits. Below are some of the most outrageous outfits of ‘Emily in Paris’.
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1. Effiel Tower Blouse

This outfit was Emily’s first to make a good impression on Savoir employees in the pilot episode. A bizarre attempt to embrace French culture. The Eiffel Tower print blouse made an impression but was not necessarily good. The graphic stiletto Louboutin boots shouted a typical American woman. This set a perfect example for Emily’s wardrobe. Playing with colors, and daring prints but certainly not plain.
2. Texture Fusion

Fusion can sometimes result in unfamiliar yet welcoming designs. Blending cultures or textiles has always been a favorite of experimental designers. However, costume designer Marylin Fitoussi might have gone too far with this outfit. This Fedora fit, features a jersey, with graphic prints, over a white, floral laced top. To top the cherry, Emily wore a red hat. This outfit was certainly a bold experiment that borderlines on bizarre.
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3. Beret Bulimia

Emily has worn multiple outfits that are topped by a beret. However, by season two even non-Parisians learned that the beret is a fashion cliche in Paris. Moreover, costume designers chose to go with a startling yellow headgear that was paired with a similar yellow Gucci Jakie handbag. If Emily wants to stand out, she does with a yellow beret, handbag, and gloves.
4. Transparently Ugly?

A transparent blazer outlined with neon strips over a shimmery black dress paired with hoops. Emily wore this outfit when she introduced Grey Space to Sylvie and the latter replied to her, “Avant-garde is another word for ugly.” Could Sylvie be wrong? In her attempt to be different from the conventional stereotype, does Emily enter the ridiculous? What draws the difference between different and ridiculous? Perhaps a neon line.
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5. Volcanic Fashion

Emily could not be ignored on the street. And with this outfit, she could be seen from the International Space Station. It’s an all-in-one pizza kind of fit that mixes absurd colors and all the patterns in the world. From yellow jacket to purple knee-length boots. Plaid skirt and chessboard top with Dolce and Gabbana handbag this outfit can certainly create split images in your head.
6. Ringarde Rules

In the sixth episode of season one, Pierre Cadault correctly called Emily “ringarde”. However, it is her basic aesthetic that wins over the dramatic designer and perhaps the viewers too. Emily wore this yellow oversized jacket on a graphic dress with purple boots while conspiring Pierre’s comeback. Like Emily’s outfit, Pierre’s second movement also focused on the ‘basic’. The outfit might not earn the best fit but proved ringarde is the new.
7. Plaid! Plaid! Plaid!

Yet another curious experiment with patterns. Usually plaid reflects old-money chic. However, pairing a vertical plaid blouse with a diagonal plaid skirt was outrageous. Moreover the patterned black scarf results in a squint eye. The Chanel lime green overcoat graciously saves the outfit in the ‘Faux Amis’ episode. Thankfully, in season one Emily has learned a lot over her time in Paris.
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8. Shoe Fever

If we have learned anything from ‘Sex and the City’ it is that American women love shoes. And Emily Copper is no exception. However, the marketing employee brought her “over-the-mark” touch to her passion. A shoe-printed jacket with a Peter Pan collar. Emily set new limits to her outrageous choices in jackets. An equally bizarre football-printed skirt topped by a bow tie choker. An attempt to bring north-south magnet pieces forcibly together.
9. Hit And Miss

Putting in all your effort is a well-educated phrase. However, it might not hold for fashion and we have learned it from season one Emily. Despite wearing two layers, the purple patterned outfit still strikes on your face. With such a closed collar, perhaps she could do away with the neckpiece. And once again Emily’s hat collection makes an unnecessary entrance. A hot pink bucket hat does not fail to give a splitting headache!
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10. The Scrapbook

Every child’s fantasy is to scrape all their favorite things in one book to cherish it forever. Similarly, Emily scrapes her love for clashing patterns and colors in one outfit. A skirt with four layers of hot pink, camouflage, silver, and pattern. Topped by a turquoise jacket over an equally confusing t-shirt with cross and stripes. The dramatic plot is the second volatile element in the Netflix show.
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