Hollywood star Johnny Depp’s lawyer Camille Vasquez recently turned into a social media star all over the world. The credit goes to her unique representation of the actor in his defamation trial against his former wife Amber Heard. Vasquez and her legal team were successful in convincing the jury that Heard defamed Depp in 2018 by writing a Washington Post op-ed. They proved her claims of Depp to be “a public figure representing domestic abuse” absolutely false.
Vasquez has now caught the attention of Hollywood executives and is at the center of a bidding war between law firms. She quickly became a favorite among Depp’s fans after her tough-as-nails performance in the long-drawn-out defamation trial went viral.
“It’s Just A Matter Of Which One She Chooses”: Camille Vasquez Is Getting Flooded With Offers

In the days since the trial wrapped up, sources said Camille Vasquez “has found herself flooded with offers. Offers from TV networks, cable channels and entertainment law firm. All want her on their team following her victorious performance.”
“Camille is inarguably a great voice to weigh in on legal matters. Networks are naturally chomping at the bit to speak with her about on-air opportunities,” a former network executive familiar with the offers said.
Now industry sources have told the New York Post that doors in Hollywood are opening for her. “It’s only a matter of which one Vasquez chooses.” One source said, “Talent agents are circling Camille because they recognize that she is the unicorn. She is a smart, savvy, poised attorney whose impactful performance during the trial propelled her to a rare level of visibility. And the fact that she is a woman of colour is an added bonus.”
Vasquez is currently an associate at the law firm Brown Rudnick, although celebrity lawyer Judd Burstein guessed “she’ll be a partner soon.” He added, “No firm would allow her to have a role in a big trial like this if she wasn’t on the partner track. There are two factors that go into making a partner — your quality of lawyering and ability to attract business. She can probably go anywhere and make a nice deal for herself.”
Legal Source Confirmed Judd Burstein’s Suspicions

“The legal community is buzzing with firms fighting to be the highest bidder for Camille to join their team,” a source said. “She’s a shark and her performance in the trial showed it.” A female partner at a high-profile Los Angeles law firm said she was “very surprised to see she was an associate” considering the scale and complexity of what she handled at the trial. Most of the time associates aren’t given the type of roles she was given. She was doing the cross and closings, that’s pretty unprecedented.”
The female partner also compared Vasquez to her opposition, lawyer Elaine Bredehoft. She said “Camille’s trial skills were much more effective than Elaine Bredehoft’s to a point. Where I almost felt bad for Elaine when she was being out-lawyered by an associate like that.”
“I’m shocked she wasn’t promoted before the trial. I would be completely floored if she wasn’t promoted by now,” she added.
Brown Rudnick told The Post that it is “thrilled that so many people are seeing what we’ve known for years. Camille Vasquez is a star.”
“We were always confident that she had what it takes to succeed on this stage. That’s why she is a key member of the trial team and has a bright future with us,” the firm added.
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