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    Donald Trump Makes Rare Comment On Taylor Swift, Calls Her “Unusually Beautiful” While Questioning If Her Liberal Image Is An Act

    Taylor Swift had made her stance on American politics pretty clear in 2018 when she openly endorsed Joe Biden while he was running against Donald Trump in the elections. While many have wondered if Swift will endorse the President again, opposition candidate Donald Trump‘s rare comment on Swift, gushing about how attractive he finds her while slipping in another self-aware comment about Swift’s feelings for Trump has now resurfaced.

    In 2018, Trump openly criticized Taylor’s music after she spoke out against him on social media and on her documentary ‘Miss Americana.’ Years later, here’s what stance Trump has given for Swift, who continues to be America’s biggest star.

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    Donald Trump Calls Taylor Swift ‘Unusually Beautiful’

    Donald Trump and Taylor Swift
    Donald Trump and Taylor Swift

    It’s not just Swifties who are enthralled by Taylor Swift’s beauty. Republican Party candidate Donald Trump is also talking about how attractive he finds Swift.

    Talking about Taylor Swift in his new book where he talks about his years as a star, Trump says, “I think she’s beautiful — very beautiful! I find her very beautiful. I think she’s liberal. She probably doesn’t like Trump. I hear she’s very talented. I think she’s very beautiful, actually — unusually beautiful!” He then adds, “She is liberal, or is that just an act?” She’s legitimately liberal? It’s not an act? It surprises me that a country star can be successful being liberal.” When asked if he listens to her music, he responds, “Don’t know it well.”

    As for Swift’s political ideologies, she had stayed quiet for a long time about her own political ideations, only to speak up during the 2018 elections where she openly sided with the Democratic party. Her statement on social media was, “In the past I’ve been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions, but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years, I feel very differently about that now, always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country.”

    While speaking about her decision to voice out her political opinions in her documentary, she said she made the decision, thinking she needed to be “on the right side of history.” While her comment was applauded by many and positively affected the voting scenario then, it did get some fire back from then-President Trump.

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    Taylor Swift’s Views On Donald Trump

    Taylor Swift and Donald Trump
    Taylor Swift and Donald Trump

    In 2020 Swift had publicly voted for, endorsed and supported Kamala Harris and Joe Biden and had openly called out Trump’s problematic actions on then Twitter.

    In one of the tweets she writes, “After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence? ‘When the looting starts the shooting starts’??? We will vote you out in November.”

    As Swift attacked Tennessee candidate, Martha Blackburn, Trump made a sly comment on her as he said, “I’m sure Taylor Swift has nothing – or doesn’t know anything about her (Blackurn),” before adding, “Let’s say that I like Taylor’s music about 25% less now, OK?”

    It’s unclear who Swift will support this election, but based on Biden’s sneaky remarks, it will probably be him.

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    Nibir Konwar
    Nibir Konwar
    Nibir is nineteen, an autumn lover, and a poetry enthusiast. She loves Taylor Swift, Jeff Buckley, Sally Rooney and everything that's blue. She has had one year of experience as a content writer at First Curiosity and writes poetry and researches on literary criticism in her free time. Nibir is also an ardent reader and a fierce feminist. She aspires to author books someday and be an advocate for mental health.

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