HomeNews‘Game Of Thrones’: Shocking Book Moments That Were Too Dark For TV

‘Game Of Thrones’: Shocking Book Moments That Were Too Dark For TV

Although Westeros claims to be under the light of the Seven, its streets are cornered with ungodly crimes and horrors. The Houses in the ‘Game of Thrones‘ have been jotted down in history for fame, money, valor, and terrifying events. During Robert’s rebellion, Prince Aegon, Elia Martell’s son, was smashed dead against a wall by Ser Gregor Clegane. Aegon was merely an infant.

Walder Frey had a pregnant woman stabbed to death along with hundreds of others in the Red Wedding. However, the HBO series cannot even par with George R. R. Martin’s books on disturbing and nightmarish content. Many parts of the books had to be excluded from the series because of the extent of gore in them. Here are ten disturbing book moments that were too dark to be included in the television series.

10. Lady Stonehearts Resurrection

Still from ‘Game of Thrones’ (Image: HBO)

Red Wedding in the ‘Game of Thrones‘ series was perhaps the second most violent mass purging after Cersei blew up the Sept of Baelor in the ‘Winds of Winter‘. However, in ‘A Storm of Swords‘, the horrible aftermath of the wedding was the creation of Lady Stoneheart. Lady Catelyn Stark was floating dead in the river, when Thoros of Myr, the Red Priest of the Brotherhood without Banners pulled her out of the water. He sacrificed himself to resurrect Lady Stark.

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Lady Stark did come back but not as herself. Since she was dead and in the water for a long time, her skin was a ghastly color of white. The gaping wound on her throat never healed. The remaining hair on her head had turned white. She was walking dead and was bent on seeking revenge on the Freys, Boltons, and Lannisters. She became Lady Stoneheart who haunted the lands of Riverrun.

9. Lady Brienne’s Face Getting Eaten By A Cannibal

Still from ‘Game of Thrones’ (Image: HBO)

GOT‘ viewers thought Lady Brienne had it tough when she fought the Hound. However, the lady knight had a worse fate written in the books. Rorge and Biter were the prisoners held with Jaqen H’ghar in season two. The duo met with Brienne in A Feast for Crows, where she kills Rorge. Biter knocks Brienne down and starts eating her face.

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The book reads, He spat, grinned, and sank his pointed teeth into her flesh again. This time he chewed and swallowed. He is eating me, she realized, but she had no strength left to fight him any longer. Thankfully this scene was scraped off because we don’t know how many viewers could stomach this plot.

8. Quentyn Martell’s Crispy Death

Still from ‘Game of Thrones’ (Image: HBO)

Although the entire character of Quentyn Martell was omitted in the series, his death was another nightmarish tragedy. Quentyn was the second son of Doran Martell, Lord of Dorne. He was sent to Meereen to make peace with its new Queen, Daenerys Targaryen. Dany declined Dorne’s terms but Quentyn had a loftier plan. As any other highborn, he was taught the history and lineage of his family and knew the Martells were linked to the Targaryens by blood.

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Therefore, when Daenerys escaped the fighting pits riots on Drogon’s back, Quentyn tried to claim one of the two remaining dragons. However, as we have learned from the ‘House of The Dragon‘, claiming these fire-breathing beasts is no easy task. While Quentyn was occupied with Viserion, Rhaegal came from the back and burnt Quentyn. The boy suffered terrible pain for four days before he succumbed to his wounds.

7. Daenerys’ Intimate Moments With One Of Her Handmaidens

Still from ‘Game of Thrones’ (Image: HBO)

In season one, Doreah teaches Daenerys how to please a man. However, this is not the only time she is intimate with her handmaidens. In ‘A Storm of Swords‘, Daenerys has a sexual encounter with Irri when she is lonely and frustrated. She is initially surprised but then eases into the pleasure. From then on, Daenerys uses Irri to satisfy her urges in the book.

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Since Irri was not a slave and she was not forced into anything, Daenerys did not rape Irri. However, the relationship was not emotional. Daenerys knew that Irri was only trying to serve her Queen. Whenever Daario Nahaaris was away, Meereen Irri would replace him.

6. Euron Greyjoy’s Depravity

Still from ‘Game of Thrones’ (Image: HBO)

Game of Thrones‘ fans already know that Euron is an eccentric lord. However, the show does not delve much into his sordid past. In the books, Euron and Balon have two more siblings Victarion and Aeron. Greyjoys are not to be trusted and for a reason. Euron raped and impregnated one of Victarion’s salt wives, who was captured in a raid. Victarion, another eccentric Greyjoy, beat the poor woman to death.

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It is also mentioned in the books that Euron allegedly molested and raped his younger brothers too. In the ‘Winds of Winter‘, Euron cut the tongue of his pregnant salt wife, Falia Flowers. He has her stripped naked and tied to the prow of the ship alongside Aeron. Including this plot would have been too dark for viewers.

6. Tyrion’s First Marriage Was Not A Lie

Still from ‘Game of Thrones’ (Image: HBO)

We all know Tyrion Lannister used to be married. However, it was revealed in season one that his wife was a prostitute paid by Jamie to play pretend. However, in ‘A Storm of Swords‘, when Jamie helps Tyrion escape, he tells him that Tysha, his first wife, was not a prostitute. Tywin had forced Jamie to lie to Tyrion so that he could let go of the marriage. Jamie reveals that Tysha was really in love with Tyrion.

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Hearing this, Tyrion goes on a detour, kills Shae, and confronts his father. Tywin had Tysha gang-raped by his soldiers. When Tyrion asks what had become of Tysha, Tywin replies, “Wherever whores go”. Tyrion shoots his father with a crossbow, killing him. In his exile in Essos, Tyrion is broken and drinks day and night. However, the saddest of all was when he asks different people from Essos “Where whores go?”

5. Bran Stark’s Cannibalism

Still from ‘Game of Thrones’ (Image: HBO)

Members of the Night’s Watch have continued to tell horrifying tales from beyond the Wall, where sometimes the peril of the hour compels them to unimaginable solutions like eating human flesh. However, Bran did not eat human flesh himself. Jojen constantly advises Bran to not stay in his warg too long. In the books, the Wildlings also warn against it because the man loses his humanity if he stays in the host too long.

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Since Bran lost the use of his legs, he warged into Summer frequently. He enjoyed running in the dirt, hunting, and drinking from streams. When Bran was traveling beyond the Wall, he came across a pack of wolves while he was warged into Summer. Bran fought off the alpha of the pack and became its new leader, and the pack ate the flesh of the men of the Night’s Watch, including Bran.

4. Qyburn’s Desire For Macabre

Still from ‘Game of Thrones’ (Image: HBO)

The television series does not hide Qyburn’s “research” experiments and his penchant for the morbid. However, they do not elaborate on it. When the discredited Maester is introduced, he seems like a kind man who helped Varys’ little birds get revenge on Pycell. Through his experiments, he saves the Mountain from death and helps Cersei blow up the Sept of Balor with wildfire.

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In the books, Cersei indulges Qyburn’s curiosity by sending him “subjects” for research. Qyburn tortures Blue Bard for Cersei in ‘A Dance With Dragons’. The blue bard was a singer who entertained Margery Tyrell’s medieval royal orgies. Qyburn cuts off a nipple and takes out an eye of the singer. Soon enough the Blue Bard was ready to spill the new Queen’s secrets.

3. Lady Honrwood’s Terrible Marriage To Ramsey Bolton

Still from ‘Game of Thrones’ (Image: HBO)

Ramsey Bolton has proven to be the most terrifying husband in the television series. However, he had married multiple times in the books. His first wife Lady Donella Hornwood was widowed in the battle of the Green Fork. Therefore many suitors rose to marry the widow for the newly entitled lands. However, Lady Hornwood denied them all.

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While Lady Hornwood was returning from Winterfell, Ramsey kidnapped the widow and forcibly married her in the night. The bastard of Lord Bolton then locked his bride in a tower and did not feed her. Later, she is found dead, possibly of starvation. Lady Hornwood is shown to have tried to chew off her own fingers to feed herself in the book, which the show has omitted.

2. Sansa Stark’s Wedding Night

Still from ‘Game of Thrones’ (Image: HBO)

Like in the books, Sansa marries Tyrion Lannister after the Battle of Blackwater. However, HBO had to deviate from the books. In the show, Tyrion gallantly tells Sansa he will not touch her until he has her permission. Like the other Lannister children, Tyrion is trying to complete his family duties, including consummating his marriage, in the books.

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Tyrion, completely inebriated, undresses Sansa and then reveals his “manhood“. But when he looks at Sansa’s terrified face, he realizes he cannot go through with it. Later, he gives up on trying to consummate the marriage. The scene could not be included in the series as it would go against British minor actor’s rights.

1. Jeyne Poole’s Wedding Night

Still from ‘Game of Thrones’ (Image: HBO)

In the books, Sansa is spared from being Ramsey Bolton’s wife. Littlefinger arranges for Jeyne Poole, Sansa’s childhood friend, to impersonate Arya Stark and marry Ramsey Bolton. Their wedding night was worse than the television one. Ramsey threatens Theon ‘Reek’ to get his bride “ready” for bed. Theon, who remembers Jeyne, undresses her and orally assaults her.

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Ramsey also regularly rapes and tortures Jeyne. Later, when Theon tries to help Jeyne, she thinks it’s one of Ramsey’s traps and refuses to go. It is also implied that not only did Ramsey assault her, but he also forced her on his dogs.

Sarah Kandari
Sarah Kandarihttps://firstcuriosity.com/
Sarah Kandari is a cinephile who might have ended up as a couch potato had she not started writing for the entertainment website, First Curiosity. She loves to read with a cup of coffee. You might recognize her as the girl with a pen in her bun that she has forgotten is there. She is a Delhi University graduate with a major in English Literature.


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