The fashion sense of Queen Elizabeth II was most certainly one to be amazed at. She knew how to accessorize herself with matching purses and jewels. It would be very hard to find Her Majesty without one of her signature Launer handbags. Allegedly, Queen had over 200 luxury purse collections.
Her statement purse wasn’t just a carrier for her personal goodies. There were more to these purses than what met the eye. Her handbag was the key focus of all the Queen’s secretaries and officials when Her Majesty was making small talks with people. Know what stuff was in Her Majesty’s handbag that made it an extreme focus for the Queen’s officials.
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Queen’s Handbag Used For Sending Secret Signals?

If we know something about the Queen for sure, it was that Her Majesty was secretive and private. She rarely bestowed the people with her appearance on the press. In sync with her secretive personality, her statement handbag also held secrets for her.
As a monarch, she had to make a lot of small talk with people whenever she was in a public gathering with others. Sometimes, Her Majesty would not have wanted to continue the talk. So, she used her purse to send secret messages to her staff. Sometimes, with her jewellery or ring she was wearing, she used to send signals. These signals helped her to get out of conversations at any time she pleased.
One of the Queen’s former staff revealed the reason behind the purse. The source stated, “If the Queen moves her classic handbag from its normal spot on her left arm to her right arm while she’s talking with someone, her handlers know that she wants to wrap it up. Putting her bag on the floor is a sign that she needs to be saved from an uncomfortable encounter ASAP. If she’s at dinner and places it on the table, that means she wants to end the event in the next five minutes.”
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What Was In Queen Elizabeth II’s Bag?

The people who have been in situations where Queen have sent signals through her handbag noted that the staffs were polite to them. The staff would immediately interrupt the conversation politely and convey to the person speaking that Her Majesty was wanted somewhere else. They would also make up reasons like the Archbishop of Canterbury would very much like to meet you.
Finally, as to what was in the Queen’s bag, royal biographer Sally Bedell Smith said that the items weren’t that different from what normal women carry with them. Her Majesty carried with her in the purse, a mirror, lipstick, mint lozenges, and reading glasses. It was also noted by the royal historian that the other royals have their dress codes to follow.