It is the first time FIFA World Cup is happening in the Middle East. Not just that, this year’s World Cup has been scheduled in the months of November and December, unlike in the usual June-July window. There are lot of controversies surrounding Qatar’s bid to host the World Cup and I am certain many of you would agree with this statement from ‘Atlantic’.
“Qatar hosting the soccer World Cup is like Donald Trump becoming president of the United States. It should not have happened, but the very fact that it has only exposes how bad things have become.” With that being said, many of you might have known the World Cup used to happen in June-July, but this time it’s happening in November-December. Let us dig deep into why it’s happening in winter.
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Why FIFA World Cup Is Happening In November?

Atlantic calls The 22nd FIFA World Cup happening in Qatar, “The greatest absurdity in the history of the sport.” FIFA, soccer’s world governing body, gave the right to Qatar, to host the world’s most popular sporting event, back in 2010. The Middle Eastern autocracy with barely 3 million population had never even played in a World Cup before, and have not hosted one too.
In summer, Qatar is literally a super-pre-heated-oven, where no one can live without an air conditioner. In that case, to hold a 90-minute march in the desert will be extremely dangerous for the players. Considering player’s well-being and the host nation’s climate, FIFA World Cup was moved from the usual June-July window to November-December lane.
Those who have been to Middle East would agree with me that even in June or July, the heat is pretty hard to beat. How much ever sun protection one applies, it just melts out of your skin. That’s the heat one has to battle and above that players whose body heat itself turns into an oven would really struggle to play in the Arabian heat.
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Did Qatar Bribe It’s Way Into Becoming The Host Nation?

As mentioned earlier, Qatar did not participate in any soccer sporting event. This alone is enough for one to understand the “true ignominy.” Day by day more celebrities and famous personalities are coming up speaking against the 22nd FIFA World Cup happening in Qatar. It is because FIFA refuses to see to the elephant in the room.
Qatar although has about 3 million people, the proportion of actual Qatari citizens, according to Atlantic, is about “little more than 10 percent.” So who are the rest of the population? They are a huge army of poor migrants who do most of the work and some rich expatriates of other nations. FYI: It did not even have the infrastructure, weather nor a fan base, back in 2010, to justify being awarded the World Cup. However, it was “very, very rich.”