The world has reached eight billion as the United Nations reported. The population in 1950 has been surging at a greater pace. This hints that the children that are born are healthy, receive proper nutrition and live healthy lives in their adulthood. After 11 years, the population has reached the 1 billion mark. The goal was possible due to the advancement of health, nutrition, and sanitization facilities. Though the population is positively growing, there is another grim concern that the fertility rate is declining in many countries. Elon Musk also pointed at that. The population growth is striking, but it is concentrated.
There will be a few countries that will witness sporadic growth of the population in the world including India, Nigeria, and Tanzania. But, other countries like the USA and European Union have seen a downfall in the birth rates and global replacement fertility rate i.e., average births per woman. The fertility rate in Korea has fallen to 0.84 births per woman rather than the required 2.1 births per woman. China had now opted for a three-children policy. All is not lost as the tech giants are investing and innovating technologies for not only a quantitative birth rate but a quality one! The reason is they want to create superior future beings, who will take over the world leading to innovation and pushing the altruism motto. Why and how are they doing so?

Elon Musk Warned That Population Collapse Will Be A Threat To Civilization

In May 2022, a video resurfaced online of a conversation between Jack Ma and Elon Musk, where the SpaceX owner talked about the “population collapse”. He said, “The population problem is going to be facing a huge challenge. 1.4 billion people in China sounds like a lot, but I think next 20 years, we will see this thing will bring big trouble to China. And … the speed of population decrease is going to speed up. You called it a ‘collapse’.”
REMINDER: Elon Musk (@elonmusk) for years has been telling people that birth rates are collapsing & most of the media is lying about the population growth problem.
He believes the opposite of most billionaires who are guiding world policy.
— An0maly (@LegendaryEnergy) May 24, 2022
Previously, he said the overwhelming wealth is inversely proportional to the number of children they have, but considered himself a rare exception. He also tweeted about the film “Idiocracy” to hint at the transhumanism practice, which is to create superior beings amalgamating human and machine capabilities. Musk is on a roll to procreate as we know that he already has two kids with Grimes and had twins with one of the Tesla executives.
USA birth rate has been below min sustainable levels for ~50 years
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 24, 2022
Watch the opening scene of Idiocracy.
When I ask my friends why they’re not yet having kids (very few are), it sounds exactly like the movie.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 18, 2022
It is not all untrue that the fertility rate is declining. The initial stages of the pandemic hinted at growth in birth rates, but that was not the case. In 2020, there was a decline in births to 763 compared to 2019. The global life expectancy rate also fell in 2021 to 71 from 73. In a tweet he uploaded, the Twitter CEO hinted at the slumping US fertility rate citing a graphical representation of statistics in the Wall Street Journal. The fertility rate has gone down to the 2.1 mark, but it is estimated to reduce further at the turn of the millennium.

The United States of America will soon not be the third most populated country in the world. Nigeria and Pakistan are estimated to partake in the superpower in terms of population. It will go down to the sixth position. As for now, the tech mogul is said to have procreated 10 children with three women. Musk has been actively propagating increasing the population further and improving the fertility rate.

The possibility of such a push is if the population falls, consumption will falter, and it will also lead to an increased population of senior citizens. So, the younger population has to take the burden of their healthcare and other facilities. The low working population will have a greater effect in the future. However, there is something else that is cooking in Silicon Valley. For Musk, the population has to grow exponentially, but only that of the “intellectually talented individuals”. Nick Bostrom, is one of the people who are responsible for the philosophy of “longtermism”.
Also Read: Who Is Nicole Shanahan? The Reason Behind Elon Musk And Sergey Brin Drama?
The Silicon Valley Is Innovating Technologies For Endogamous Births

Charles Darwin and his contemporary Alfred Russel Wallace propounded a theory of evolution based on “natural selection”. In a nutshell, it explained that the one who survives and the organisms that can reproduce largely are suited to the environment will survive. The weaker and bleak ones, who succumb to the environment, perish. But, as man evolved, his ideologies devolved and deteriorated. It is now the survival of “the replacer”.
Let’s go back in time. Just three years back. In 2019, in New Zealand’s Christchurch, two mosques were attacked. It was a 28-year-old man, Brenton Tarrant, who walked into the mosques and live-streamed the murder of 51 innocent Muslim worshippers. Cut to May 2022, another white male, Payton Gendron, terrorized Brooklyn when he killed 10 people in a massacre. The one common thing that connects both of these massacres is the manifesto they live by—The ‘Great Replacement Theory’.
The theory is propounded on the basis that a larger number of immigrants will replace the white population. It has its origin in the ethnic nationalism that happened in France. The two terrorists wanted to destroy the immigrant population to establish white supremacy over other ethnicities and minorities. But, these tech moguls and politicians are propagating the theory’s toned-down narrative.
Tucker Carlson accused the Democrats of replacing the current voters with “new people, more obedient voters, from the Third World.” But, the tech giants are doing it behind closed lab doors. They have opted for “pronatalism”. It is to devise policies and processes to encourage people to bear children. In a report by Insider, there is a clear indication that these Silicon Valley residents want to continue their strain of genes desperately. Jeffrey Epstein, the finance mogul, approached scientists to freeze his brain and penis to be utilized for creating further generations like him.
Elon Musk is "very serious about the idea that your wealth is directly linked to your IQ" and urged "all the rich men he knew" to have as many children as possible, a source told @mjnblack. Such a chilling read on the underground pronatalist movement
— Melkorka Licea (@MelkorkaLicea) November 17, 2022
One of Musk’s close associates, Sam Altman, has invested in Genomic Prediction. The company promotes the controversial practice of letting parents choose the “best embryos” via genetic testing in the pre-Vitro fertilization process. One of the best examples in pop culture of pronatalism is the Hulu show ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’.
connecting the dots….elon's breeding fetish…epstein's baby ranch….one billion americans…"pronatalist futurism"…where does it all lead
— effective altruist (@lib_crusher) November 17, 2022
In an extensive interview with Simone Collins and Malcolm Collins, the reporter found out about their creation of the heirs’ plan. According to the couple, if the heirs have eight children for 11 generations, the Collins will outnumber the current population. They think that their practice will help the upper class to have a high birth rate lifestyle. Mrs. Collins believes that the payoff will not be immediate, but if they tread their path rightfully, “their successors will become the new dominant leading classes in the world.
Elon Musk's entire pronatalist ideology is linked to the idea that he's the smartest person in the world. But we can see his tweets. He literally can't even come up with a post-2015 meme
— Kat Tenbarge (@kattenbarge) November 17, 2022
Malcolm has reverence for Elon Musk. He deemed him as the mainstream “longtermist” and “pronatalist”. Malcolm said, “He’s not as afraid of being canceled as everyone else. Any smart person with a certain cultural aesthetics of their life is looking at this world and saying, ‘How do we create intergenerationally, durable cultures that will lead to our species being a diverse, thriving, innovative interplanetary empire one day that isn’t at risk from, you know, a single asteroid strike or a single huge disease?'”
Despite the pro-choice stance of all the pronatalists, they do not want the world to overproduce children. But, they aspire that these upper-class, tech communities should be encouraged to have children to create offspring that will partake in the population and innovate. Because 1% of the population can only afford these Vitro fertilization processes. This is in a way perpetuating a non-violent, subtle way of promoting the replacement theory. Though Musk supports migration, these tech giants want to create an endogamous birthing process, where their descendants will “protect the civilization” from the impending doom.
Also Read: Elon Musk Reacts To Report Alleging His Affair With Google Co-Founder Sergey Brin’s Wife