There are many things that ‘Game of Thrones‘ is known for, and one prominent one of them is the deaths that the show randomly throws at its audience. The brutality with which those deaths occur intensifies the horror that it brings to the show. And like it or not, ‘Game of Thrones‘ fans thrive on it.
The epic fantasy series that unfolded in the land of Westeros and Essos, had many moments that left its viewers in utter shock. Most of them were unexpected murders or accidental deaths, while some others were just characters changing their loyalties. Though the show came to an end a while ago and a re-run is always a good idea, there are other ways to dive into its thrilling world. What better than revising all the shocking deaths that left our jaws dropped? Here are the 20 most heinous deaths of all time on the show, ranked.
Ramsay Bolton

Ramsay Bolton himself has been a heartless character on the show. Throughout the five seasons that his character is on the show, he kills several people by flaying, stabbing, and mutilating. But in the end, his sins come to bite him back — quite literally. He meets death after being ripped apart by the ravenous jaws of his own hounds. As gut-wrenching as his death was, it sure brought joy to the audience.
Shireen Baratheon

Shireen’s death is something that the viewers of the show will never ever forgive its writers as well as producers for. Melisandre persuades Shireen’s father Stannis to sacrifice his innocent, much-loved daughter to the Lord of Light for the chance to win a battle. The image of Shireen burning at the stake remains one of the most haunting visuals of the show.

Though it was all destiny for Hodor, his death came as a heartbreak for many. His character remained a rather amusing mystery until his death knocked at the door, and he ironically held it till he died — just to save Bran. Classic Hodor!
Viserys Targaryen

Though Viserys Targaryen’s character did not hold much significance on the show, his death — or rather the way he died — made the toes of many audiences curl. Targaryen was obsessed with a golden crown, and the mighty Khal Drogo gave him one but in a ruthless way. Khal Drogo poured molten gold over his head. It sure looked painful, but we were saved from hearing him scream “I am the dragon” for the rest of the show.
Oberyn Martell Or The Red Viper

Oberyn Martell, a rather charming character on the show was gone too soon — and in the most shocking way possible. Though it was an evidently lopsided trial by combat wherein he died, the viewers had some hope given his morality. But when it is ‘Game of Thrones‘, power is power. cersei’s loyal The Mountain gouged out Oberyn Martell’s eyes and crushed his skull during the combat and he died there just like that.
Joffrey Baratheon

Joffrey Baratheon is one of the most hated characters not just on ‘Game of Thrones‘ but in the entire universe of TV shows. So his death definitely brought relief to the majority of the show’s viewers. The way he died was cherry on the top. He was still humiliating Tyrion up to the moment he took his final sip of poisoned wine, though he met his death at his own wedding feast. It was poetic justice, to say the least.
Tywin Lannister

As cunning as Tywin Lannister’s character was, he had a charisma that is a rather typical character of Lannisters despite their cruelty. His killer was the surprise element of his death. His son Tyrion, who spent more than half of his life trying to impress Tywin, shot him dead on the toilet. With a tinge of dark humor, Tywin’s death did not just take his life but also crushed the pride he roamed around with to dust within seconds.
Walder Frey

Arya, one of the most efficient characters on the show, showed the first glimpse of how dangerous she can be when she cleanly slit Walder Frey dead. Wearing a borrowed face, Arya made the man eat a pie with his sons cooked into it and then killed him. Who knew the little girl that everyone adored until a moment ago would turn out to be such a ruthless warrior!
Stark Family At The Red Wedding

The Red Wedding is synonymous with one of the most heinous and heartwrenching moments in the history of the series. Walder Frey killed a majority of the Stark family at the wedding of his daughter to Edmure Tully. Hundred of innocent throats, including those of men, women, and unborn children, were slit brutally.
Jorah Mormont

Jorah Mormont dies the death he had perhaps wished for but it left his fans in misery. His loyalty and love for Daenerys must have made him peaceful as he dies protecting his Khaleesi from the onslaught of wights. But the stabbings in his body went through our hearts just as sharply as they went through his flesh.
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Theon Greyjoy

Theon Greyjoy’s character arc is unarguably the most impressive one on the show. From a spineless snub to a courageous knight, Theon died a death of honor. His sacrificial stand against the Night King melted down all the hatred he might have received during the initial seasons of the show. Theon ran courageously into the face of danger and met his death like a hero.

Lady, Sansa Stark’s direwolf, was loved tremendously. Her death was perhaps one of the first indications of how in Westeros, there’s no place for morality. Cersei’s decree for Lady’s execution brought a lot of hate for her, along with the realization that innocence is never a virtue in Westeros.
Ned Stark

Ned Stark’s beheading is the classic event that people use to define the show, especially during its initial seasons. Since it happens in the initial few episodes of the very few seasons, Ned’s death has managed to put forth the very identity of ‘Game of Thrones‘ — its idiosyncrasy of going unapologetically against the conventional norms of protagonist’s longevity.
Rickon Stark

Rickon’s death was a moment of utter disbelief for many, while some others took some time to even understand what had just happened. If only the boy would have zig-zagged, he would have lived. The saddest part of Rickon’s death was that it was just so avoidable. In a moment charged with tension and desperation, Rickon’s death could only get pity and shock from the audience.
Daenerys Targaryen

Whoever watched Game of Thrones religiously, knew Daenarys’s death was coming. It was the way it came that left everyone in utter shock. After Dany torched King’s Landing, Jon, and Tyrion — the most unlikely characters to have conspired to kill her — did that. It was her lover Jon Snow that she was stabbed by, right after an affectionate kiss from him. It was hard to watch.

Jon Snow seems to have just a bad fate when it comes to love. Another one of his lovers, Ygritte, was killed right in front of him, at the hands of an arrow. Her death was a shock and added a poignant layer to Jon Snow’s journey.
Lyanna Mormont

Lyanna Mormont went out as she walked into this series — not taking any nonsense from anyone, not even a zombified giant. She came off as a tiny soldier in front of the white-waler giant. Though she was crushed like a peanut shell, she did manage to pierce the outsize wight in the eye with a Dragonglass spear.

Fan theories had already predicted that one of Daenerys’ dragons would transform into a big, undead, ice-breathing white-walker dragon. But when it happened, it was more heartbreaking than it was horrifying. It marked the saddest moment of season 7.
King’s Landing Burned Down By Daenerys

Tens of thousands of innocent citizens were burned alive when Daenerys burnt down as the pyromania in King’s Landing. It was a gut-wrenching step for two reasons: one, the people didn’t need to die. And two, this was when her fans knew that she was no longer the protagonist that we all thought her to be. It was pure madness when she unleashed dragon fire on the innocent citizens of King’s Landing.
Olenna Tyrell

Olenna Tyrell’s departure was a classic example of wit and poise. Though she was poisoned, she did not exit like just any other woman. Her speech right before she died defined her entire character with a lasting impression.
Lysa Arryn

Littlefinger’s true face was right around the corner, but it suddenly gained clarity when he pushed Lysa Arryn through the Moon Door. Her death, though not so significant, brought an end to a character whose erratic behavior had long grated on viewers, besides showing Littlefinger’s true colors.
Khal Drogo

Mirri Maz Duur poisoned Drogo while she was cleaning his wounds which sent him into a vegetative state. Watching Daenerys smother her husband out of mercy was totally heartbreaking. Khal Drogo’s demise marked the beginning of Daenerys’ journey that went down in history.
As shocking as these deaths are, they still bring chills down our spines, and the legacy of ‘Game of Thrones‘ goes on. Valar morghulis!
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