The Targaryen is one of the most powerful houses in the entire Westeros region. They mostly spread terror because of their ability to control the dragons. However, their succession of civil war also known as the Dance of the Dragons marked the beginning of their end.
In HBO’s ‘House of the Dragon‘, the viewers are shown this exact war for the Iron Throne. One major aspect, however, is still unknown. If any dragon survived their deadly civil war or not is a question that puzzles everyone. So let’s try and find out its answer.
Did Any Dragon Survive The Dance Of The Dragons?

At the beginning of ‘House of the Dragon‘, there are quite a lot of dragons in the Targaryen’s possession. They were later used as weapons during the bloody civil war known as the dance of dragons.
During the war, both the Blacks and the Greens used firebreathers to kill more people on their enemy’s side. After the war, only four of them were left: Cannibal, Sheepstealer, Silverwing, and Morning.
Out of four, the first three dragons were born before the war. Morning was the only one to be hatched during the war and was too small to be taken to the battlefield.
It led to the extinction of the dragons from the world before Daenerys Targaryen brought them back nearly 200 years later. A lack of dragons severely weakened the House Targaryens.
Who Were The Surviving Dragons?

The Targaryen civil war led to the near extinction of the dragons. Only four of them survived mainly because they were either lucky enough to escape or were simply not involved in the war in any capacity.
Cannibal, a large adult wild dragon, was one of those who survived. He was too dangerous and ferocious for anyone to ride him. He never had a rider in his entire life.
Sheepstealer, another dragon, survived the war because he and Nettles escaped Nettle was to be executed but Daemon allowed her to escape.
Morning was born during the war, hence he was too small and weak to be taken to the battlefield. She started off as an egg that was given to Rhaena Targaryen and it was hatched in the middle of the war.