The ‘Game of Thrones‘ prequel, ‘House of the Dragon‘ is making connections to the future. Leaving behind remarks and details that would all serve as answers to the loose-ended questions in the GoT universe. Fans have been excited since the trailer came out, to find all the hidden details in the series.
And here is one such detail- the Catspaw dagger or the Valyrian steel dagger. The weapon that ended and started the great war in the sequel. Is that the same one that is seen on the hip of King Viserys I when at the Small Council meetings? So who did the dagger belong to? Here’s more about the royal Targaryen heirloom.
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The Targaryen Heirloom In ‘House Of The Dragon’

In episode 4 of ‘House of the Dragon‘ one can see Viserys calling his daughter Rhaenyra into his chambers to inform her of her ancestral responsibilities and possessions. That is when the viewers get to see the steel dagger resting on the edge of the brazier. “That dagger once belonged to Aegon the Conqueror. It was Aenar’s before that and before that, well, it is difficult to know.”, the king recounts.
King Viserys I also shows Rhaenyra the secret prophecy that is only visible when the Valyrian steel dagger is heated. Rhaenyra reads the runes and translates them aloud, “From my blood comes the prince that was promised and his will be a song of ice and fire.” Thus the dagger’s importance can be understood as it contained Aegon’s prophecy that has been passed on from one heir to another.
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Was The Dagger Used In ‘Game of Thrones’?

Yes. This is the one and only dagger that was used to start a war and end a war in ‘Game of Thrones‘. The weapon that indirectly sparked the War of the Five Kings was used by a catspaw to attack and kill Bran Stark. Arya Stark used this Targaryen heirloom to kill the Night King and thus end the Great War.
Though there are slight differences in the silhouette of the dagger in the two series, the features remain the same. The dagger has a curved blade, with a smooth hilt made of dragonbone and dragonglass, and a blade of Valyrian steel. The powerful weapon carried within it the prophecy for the generations to come.
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