    HomeTV Show‘Mary And George’ Ending Explained: What Happened To The Mother And Son...

    ‘Mary And George’ Ending Explained: What Happened To The Mother And Son Who Schemed And Seduced 17th Century King?

    With over 96% on Rotten Tomatoes and 7/10 on IMDB the drama series Mary & George has taken viewers by storm, especially those who like period dramas like ‘Bridgerton‘, ‘Queen Charlotte‘ and ‘The Gilded Age‘ are delighted by the new show. The series has left its audience both in intrigue and confusion about the Jacobean Era. 

    Additionally, a lot of people are confused about the fate of Mary and George and what actually happened in the season finale. The political thriller’s finale starts with George’s sexual endeavors in Spain. Despite being guided by his mother Mary to become king, George catches just a part of it and lacks wisdom.

    Through Mary, George has gotten close to King James. However, in the last episode, the King’s condition worsens and he burnt the room George made for him. After inhaling a lot of smoke James gets rescued by George who then takes him to the palace to get help. However, things take a turn and the mother and son smothered the king to death while his son Charles was fetching help.

    The act was seemingly out of fear of the king as the king threatened George with execution. However, George was stabbed moments later. In the future, Charles becomes King with George by his side. This doesn’t last long for George as he gets stabbed and killed by a soldier he cozied up with. The soldier hated war and was angry with George for mindlessly killing people in wars.

    Related: Is ‘Mary And George’ Based On A True Story? How Did King James I’s Scandalous Gay Affair Happen?

    What Was The Fate Of The Characters In Real Life?

    King James in Mary & George
    King James in Mary & George

    In real life, the king was not smothered by the mother and son. Instead, he died of a stroke with his son Charles and George by his side. At the time it was blamed on his declining health. However, it was rumored that George had poisoned him. The king died in 1625. 

    George Villers was then stabbed to death by a discharged army officer at a public pub 3 years later. His mother allegedly did not react to his death and died in 1932. The three were buried at the same place named Westminster Abby.

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    Vanshika Minakshi
    Vanshika Minakshi
    Vanshika is a content writer at FirstCuriosity, diving into the vibrant universe of celebrities, movies, and TV shows with fervor. Her passion extends beyond her professional endeavors, as she immerses herself in the realms of rap music and video games, constantly seeking inspiration from diverse sources. She is a business student with a knack for marketing blending analytical insights with creative instincts to craft compelling narratives. When not working you can find her spending times with her beloved pet dogs or watching true crime documentaries. Additionally, she has over 40 published articles exploring the exhilarating realm of eSports and profiling popular streamers, showcasing her expertise and passion for gaming culture.

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