HomeTV Show‘The Boys’ TV Ending Likely To Be In Stark Contrast With The...

‘The Boys’ TV Ending Likely To Be In Stark Contrast With The Comics

The Boys’ TV series, adapted from the controversial comic series by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson, has captivated audiences with its dark and satirical take on the superhero genre. While the show often deviates from the source material, it has continued to deliver compelling storylines. 

Moreover, as the series approaches its conclusion with the fifth season, fans are eagerly speculating about how the ending will compare to the comics. Some also believe that the ending might be better than the comics.

How Does ‘The Boys’ Comics End?

Hughie Killing Butcher in the comics (Image: DC Comics)
Hughie Killing Butcher in the comics (Image: DC Comics)

The comic series ‘The Boys‘ presents a dystopian world where superheroes are self-serving celebrities who exploit their powers for personal gain. Homelander, the leader of The Seven is a personification of all the worst aspects of superhero culture.

In the comics, Homelander seizes control of the White House and eliminates the President. However, on the show he joins the president with help from sister sage. Moreover, with his army of supes at his command, Homelander is seemingly invincible and is ruling the country in the comics.

Related: “Not Everyone Is Making It Out Alive”: Eric Kripke Promises Shocking Showdown In ‘The Boys’ Season 5

Meanwhile, Billy Butcher‘s revolution almost comes to a conclusion though his plans get thwarted by an unexpected twist. Black Noir is revealed to be a clone of Homelander and attacks him, eventually getting killed. In another brutal confrontation, Butcher kills Noir and also uses the virus to cause a supe genocide. 

Ultimately, Butcher himself falls victim to the destructive cycle of violence, meeting his end through the hands of his pal, Hughie. This ending was controversial and divisive among fans, as it offered little hope for the future.

‘The Boys’ TV Series’ Ending Has Endless Possibilities

(L) Sister Sage and (R) Ryan (Image: Amazon)
(L) Sister Sage and (R) Ryan (Image: Amazon)

The TV series, however, has taken a different approach. By introducing new characters and plotlines, the show has created a unique narrative that sets it apart from the comics. The key factor that could influence the ending of the TV series is the introduction of Sister Sage and Ryan.

Sister Sage, despite not being a character from the comics, has taken the reins in the show. She has already showcased the power she holds in season 4 by letting Homelander achieve his goal to see if “she could.”

Ryan, who dies early in the comics, is shown to have all the power to change the events that happened at the comic’s end. However, after killing Mallory, it remains to be seen what his course of action would be.

In case you missed it: Homelander’s Origin And Backstory Explained: How His Twisted Upbringing Made Him The Greatest Villain On ‘The Boys’

Sister Sage can also turn on Homelander and be the “leader” herself. This is quite possible as she has often talked about her disdain for humankind. Ryan, on the other hand, is struggling with his own identity and powers. His future remains uncertain, but he could play a crucial role in the series finale.

Moreover, with the introduction of new characters and plotlines, the ending of ‘The Boys’ TV series is full of possibilities. Starlight’s new powers, the emergence of new villains like Cindy, and the capture of The Boys could all lead to dramatic and unexpected twists. Now whether or not the TV series’ ending will be better than the comics remains to be seen.

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Vanshika Minakshi
Vanshika Minakshihttps://firstcuriosity.com/
Vanshika is a content writer at FirstCuriosity, diving into the vibrant universe of celebrities, movies, and TV shows with fervor. Her passion extends beyond her professional endeavors, as she immerses herself in the realms of rap music and video games, constantly seeking inspiration from diverse sources. She is a business student with a knack for marketing blending analytical insights with creative instincts to craft compelling narratives. When not working you can find her spending times with her beloved pet dogs or watching true crime documentaries.

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