HomeTV ShowTop 10 ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters Who Deserve Their Own Spin-Off Shows

Top 10 ‘Game Of Thrones’ Characters Who Deserve Their Own Spin-Off Shows

Game of Thrones‘ is one of the most influential and landmark television shows in recent times. The HBO fantasy series was based on George R.R. Martin’s ‘Song of Fire & Ice’ novels. It successfully bridged the gap between cinema and television with its breathtaking production quality.

Filled with interesting characters, the show had a flare for making a character a fan favorite and then instantly killing it. Over the years, there have been demands from fans for certain characters to have their own spin-off shows. Here’s a list of ten of those popular characters.

10. Khal Drogo

Khal Drogo
Khal Drogo

A character that only appeared in a few episodes but had a huge impact on the audience was Khal Drogo. Played amazingly by Jason Momoa, Khal became a fan favorite because of his temper, physique, and overall menacing personality. He surely deserves his separate show.

9. Jaqen H’ghar

Jaqen H'ghar
Jaqen H’ghar

Also known as the faceless man, Jaqen is easily one of the most mysterious characters in the entire show. He assists Arya Stark and trains her to become “no one.” He is a fascinating character with the skill to take on many faces and identities that he wishes.

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8. Oberyn Martell

Oberyn Martell
Oberyn Martell

What if Oberyn Martell was able to defeat the Mountain? The prince of House Martell and his family, the Dornish royalty, were both overlooked in the fantasy series. He decides to take revenge for his sister’s death from Gregor Clegane and is killed by him. However, a spin-off can explore the life he had before his brutal death.

7. Sansa Stark

Sansa Stark
Sansa Stark

Sansa was not a fan favorite in the first few seasons because of her actions. But her character went through a beautiful growth that connected with everyone in the later seasons. In the end, she is given the title of Queen of the North, and a series can explore her in that role.

6. The Hound

The Hound
The Hound

Known for his towering personality, his razor-sharp wit, and his brut strength, Sandor Clegane, also known as The Hound, is everyone’s favorite. His back story and rivalry with his brother, The Mountain, can be explored further in a spin-off. The two die tragically in the poorly received finale.

5. Lord Varys

Lord Varys
Lord Varys

Lord Varys is a secretive person with an efficient spy network in Westeros and a particular hatred of sorcery. His network of spies are called ‘little birds,’ and a potential spin-off can explore that and his early life before he became a eunuch. Varys’s survival skills are also an interesting part of his personality.

4. Brienne of Tarth

Brienne of Tarth
Brienne of Tarth

A legendary and absolute favorite of everyone, Brienne was a powerful and loyal warrior. She is also the only one to defeat The Hound in a one-on-one fight. She defied all the rules and norms of her time as she was a female warrior. There is quite a lot that can be explored in her own show.

3. Ned Stark

Ned Stark
Ned Stark

Ned was the main character when the show started in season one. Played by Sean Bean, the character served as the moral compass of a world full of crooks and liars. However, his tragic death started a chain of events that led to the war. A show exploring his early life would be fascinating to watch.

2. Jon Snow

Jon Snow

Easily one of the most popular characters in the show, Jon Snow is a brave warrior who fought despite the odds stacked against him. He was often called a bastard, but he continued to conquer and serve. A spin-off show solely focusing on him and starring Kit Harrington would be on everyone’s watchlist.

1. Arya Stark

Maisie Williams as Arya Stark in Game Of Thrones
Maisie Williams as Arya Stark in Game Of Thrones

Arya Stark is easily one of the favorite characters of the fans. The bravest Stark in the series, she is also one of the best-written characters. She experiences everything in the span of all the seasons and continues to grow until she saves all of Westeros from the white walkers.

You might also like to read: Game Of Thrones: How Did All Dragons Die In Targaryen Civil War?

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