Following the legend in ‘Fruits Basket,’ Akito Sohma the main antagonist of the series is very much obsessed with her bonds – the Twelve Zodiac Signs. Each of these zodiac animals takes human form in their world and is eternally bound to their god (here Akito is the reincarnation).
Times have changed and with the long following legend, the bonds between Akito and the twelve zodiacs have weakened. Akito always lives in fear that if the bonds are broken, they’ll leave her all alone. Only the bonds are keeping the together. To obtain the everlasting bond, Akito stoops low to intimidate, threaten, and even seriously harm the Zodiac to listen to her bidding.
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Why Was Akito So Obsessed With Kureno?

Almost all the members of the Sohma family are cursed with toxic relationships with each other. This is especially focused on the relationships of Akito, Kureno, and Shigure. The bonds between these three are beyond toxic. Their relationship twisted the whole idea of love, sex, and power.
Kureno’s bond with Akito broke at a very young age. Akito being obsessed with love became afraid that Kureno will now leave her side since nothing is binding them together. To not let her imagination come true, she uses her power as ‘God’ to enforce her whims on Kureno.
#FruitsBasket2ndSeason Episode 25: A recap
— Violet🌱 @is-currently-recovering-mode (@violetheart08) September 22, 2020
To be honest though, it's rather a bit incomprehensible what Akito and Kureno felt when this happened. And probably the first time they knew nothing was eternal. #fruitsbasket #フルバ #フルーツバスケット
Her obsession with Kureno reaches a point where she forces him to have sexual relations with her. She further goes on to isolate him in a room with orders that no one is allowed to speak to him or he is to step out of the said room. His life in a single room makes him more miserable, but he never complains to her.
Akito fears that if Kureno talks about their broken bonds, the others will start distancing themselves from her, and stop ‘loving’ her. At one point her ties with the rest of the bonds start breaking when she sees Kureno’s change of attitude towards her. She becomes so eccentric with fear that she stabs him, indicating no one can have Kureno if not her.
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Who Was The Second Spirit To Cut Ties With Akito?

Kureno was the first to cut ties. The next Zodiac to do so was Momiji Sohma. Momiji, like others, was abused in his childhood by Akito. He greatly feared her, but overcame his fear, stopping Akito from approaching Tohru. She slapped him while screaming how dare he disobeys the ‘God’.
Moreover, after his ties were cut off with Akito, she came in the middle of the night to beg him not to leave her alone. Momiji coldly refuses her and asks her to go back to her room. Even though he accepted that the broken bonds now felt like a missing piece, he promised to find happiness of his own.
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