‘One Piece’ and ‘Dragon Ball’ are two of the most popular anime of all time. Both of these anime are considered the kings of shonen and for a very good reason. However, there has always been an ongoing debate about which of the two anime is better. Recently Luffy reached the fifth gear of the Gomu Gomu No Mi.
This excited the anime fans and gave a new angle to the ongoing debate between the fans of the two anime. Fans are now curious whether the new gear introduced in the manga is stronger than the ultra instinct that Goku attained.Â
What Is The Gear Fifth?

The gear fifth or gear fifth is the latest and strongest transformation that Luffy has gone through in ‘One Piece’. The gears in the transformations refer to the understanding that Luffy has about his devil fruit and how he can mold it. Various gears gave him various gifts, abilities, and physical appearance.Â
The fifth gear is what resonates with Luffy the most. He achieved this form when he was fighting Kaidou. This particular awakening grants him the utmost freedom. He can fight in whatever way he chooses and this form is said to bring joy to others standing around him. His heartbeat also turns musical. In addition to that, in this form, Luffy turns white resembling a cartoon character. This form is very whimsical, but it is very strong. This form allowed him to defeat Kaidou.Â
Ultra Instinct Vs Fifth Gear: Which Is Stronger?

This is a very difficult yet interesting question. Before fifth gear was introduced, ultra instinct was considered the pinnacle of fighting form and was considered the strongest form in the anime world. The answer to this question is not definitive, but fans have theories.
According to what fans believe, gear five is stronger than the ultra instinct. The two powers are very different from each other but are extremely powerful. Goku’s ultra instinct allows him to tap into his full martial artist potential. This form is more training driven and resonates with Goku’s history as a martial artist. Gear 5 on the other hand, gives freedom to Luffy. It is the closest form to Luffy’s actual personality.Â
In addition to that, Ultra Instinct can easily allow Goku to destroy planets if not galaxies. Whilst something like this hasn’t been proven for Gear Fifth, it is proven that it can alter reality. It allowed Luffy to conjure a pair of glasses out of nothing, it allowed him to become a giant and much more. What Luffy can do in this form is only limited by his own imagination. Therefore Luffy can defeat Goku in his ultra-instinct form if he truly believes it and fights him at his full power. However, this answer may differ in the future.
In case you missed: ‘One Piece’ Anime Staff Teases Legendary Status Of Gear 5 Stretch Set