Vegeta and Goku have proven themselves to be stronger than anyone on earth time and time again in ‘Dragon Ball‘. They are the mortals that are capable of challenging and quite possibly defeating an immortal creature in the series. But what happens when these two strong characters fuse and become one?
What happens is that they get a fusion. Vegeta and Goku have two fusions that have been canonically proven, Gogeta and Vegito. These forms may look similar, but there are certain differences among them. Let’s find out what they are.

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Who Are Vegito And Gogeta?

Vegito is a fusion between Goku and Vegito, as mentioned above. This particular fusion was attained with the help of Potara earrings. Goku and Vegito each donned one earring and they fused into a singular being which they named Vegito. Vegito contains the memories and powers of both of his counterparts. He also has personality aspects of both Goku and Vegeta.
Gogeta is also a fusion between Goku and Vegeta. However, unlike Vegito, this transformation was obtained through the fusion dance. Goku and Vegeta tried to perform the fusion dance multiple times, and when they succeeded after countless tries, their fusion Gogeta happened. Similar to Vegito, Gogeta contains thoughts as well as memories of both Goku and Vegeta.
What Is The Difference Between The Two?

The major difference between the two is the method with which they are obtained. Vegito is obtained through the Potara earrings. Gogeta on the other hand is obtained through the fusion dance. Another difference between the two is their appearance. While both of their hair is spiky and not very long, Vegito has two locks of hair hanging on his forehead. Gogeta only has one lock of hair.
Another difference pertaining to appearance is that he dons the Potara earrings through which the fusion was obtained. Gogeta has no such thing. Personality-wise, Vegito possesses Goku’s benevolence and creativity. But he also possesses Vegeta’s cockiness and confidence. Gogeta has no such specific traits, he is a mixture of Goku and Vegeta.
Whilst Vegito likes to taunt his opponents during battle, Gogeta prefers annihilating them. He enjoys prolonging the battle and humiliating his opponents, while Gogeta annihilates them with little to no words spoken. Apart from the way these two forms were obtained, these are the major differences that the two forms. Hopefully, this helps the viewers to distinguish between the two in ‘Dragon Ball‘.
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