Although most people wouldn't consider sports anime to be the most thrilling genre in the medium, there are several fantastic shows that completely engross...
With its fresh perspective on humans mutating, 'My Hero Academia' swept the anime community by storm. This shift in social structure is not unexpected...
The strongest Quincy of the Wandenreich empire makes up the Sternritter, an organization that appears in the manga and anime 'Bleach'. These people are...
Soul Society's strongest fighters make up The Gotei 13, the military arm of the organization. These Shinigami are charged with guarding lost souls, preserving...
For more than three decades, Akira Toriyama's 'Dragon Ball' has dominated popular culture, and the heroic exploits of Goku and their friends still have...
For new viewers, categories of manga and anime can be intimidating, especially with all the various Japanese terms that are used. While long-time anime...
One of the most well-known and significant characters in the 'Naruto' series is Itachi. He is not only absurdly powerful, but he also significantly influenced...