Pippa Middleton, the younger sister of Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, and her husband James Matthews recently welcomed their third child - a baby...
Keke Palmer is a popular American actress, singer, and television personality. She is known for her roles in comedy-drama productions and has even received...
Chris Hemsworth’s fourth Thor film “Thor: Love and Thunder” is currently running in theatres worldwide. The film is directed by popular director Taika Waititi. An...
Ethan Hawke was warned about collaborating with Russell Crowe and Johnny Depp on Hollywood projects. The warning had to do with famous director Peter...
Kendall Jenner is a popular American model, media personality, and socialite. She was recently spotted on a beachside gateway in Hawaii, enjoying, relaxing, and...
Recently HBO and the Weeknd launched the teaser for the movie 'The Idol' which is a network’s upcoming drama series with singer Lily-Rose Depp.
This series...