The 2021 documentary ‘Framing Britney Spears,‘ gave a good peek into the 13 years of conservatorship life of Britney Spears. The documentary revealed the singer’s career alongside her battle against her father. Through the film, the fans also got to have a closer look at Spears’ two sons, and the relationship she has with them.
After the release of the documentary, the pop singer also shared a rare picture with her sons, who are now grown up. The Instagram post showed that the mother and sons trio still share a close bond with each other.
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Kevin Federline, Britney’s ex-husband, brought her relationship with the boys into the spotlight when he made a public comment that their sons do not wish to visit their mother because of what she posts on Instagram. Britney was ‘hurt’ over Federline’s act of spilling the personal family dynamics into the public domain.
While sharing the recent picture of her sons on Instagram, Spears wrote in the caption that she doesn’t share many pictures of her sons because they’re at an age where they want to express their own identities and she respects that. Her two sons – Sean Preston and Jayden James, are 16 and 15, respectively. She also wrote, “I’m extremely lucky because my two babies are such gentleman and so kind that I must have done something right.”
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When Britney Spears and Kevin Federline divorced in 2007, Spears lost custody of both of her sons to Kevin. However, in 2019, the boys’ legal custody was split between the two parents, wherein Britney was granted 30% unsupervised visitation rights. A source reported, “She used to have more time with them until Kevin altered their custody arrangement after the incident with [her dad], Jamie [Spears, in 2019]. Since then, the boys’ visits have been less frequent. They spend most of their time at their dad’s house and have very few visits with their mom, especially overnight ones.”
The source also added, “They are teenagers now and want to be with their friends, not their parents. It’s nothing against Britney. They love and idolize her, and Kevin trusts her. It’s just that they’re getting older, so when they’re not at their main home with Kevin, they’re usually out doing things with friends.”
All of this was challenged when Federline told ITV via MailOnline that part of the reason why the boys don’t visit Britney is because of her nude pictures on Instagram. He also reported that they didn’t even visit Britney’s marriage ceremony with Sam Asghari. He said, “I try to explain to them, ‘Look, maybe that’s just another way she tries to express herself.’ But that doesn’t take away from the fact of what it does to them. It’s tough. I can’t imagine how it feels to be a teenager having to go to high school.” Britney replied, “It concerns me the fact that the reason is based on my Instagram, it was long before Instagram. I daringly would like for the Federlines to watch the Big Booty video!!! Other artists have made much worse when their children were extremely young!!!!!”
Spears’ husband, Sam, also showed support for his wife and on his social media remarked, “There is no validity to his statement regarding the kids distancing themselves and it is irresponsible to make that statement publicly.” He also added, “The boys are very smart and will be 18 soon to make their own decisions and may eventually realise the ‘tough’ part was having a father who hasn’t worked much in over 15 years as a role model. Kevin’s gravy train will end soon [which] probably explains the timing of these hurtful statements.”
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