Ever listened to your voice on a voicemail? Well, that is the closest we can come to understanding why some of our favorite actors refuse to enjoy their own movies. In this digital age where we’re all filming our lives to scroll back on Instagram, the real reel masters are going lights, camera, action and ignore.
When you spend months behind a screen trying to perfect your performance, it kind of takes the joy out of sitting on the side of the same screen. From superheroes to Oscar winners, we’re spilling the tea on the top 10 actors who’d rather Netflix and chill than watch their own on-screen thrills. Get ready for some real talk as we dive into the blockbuster confessions of Tinseltown’s finest!
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1. Andrew Garfield

The Spidey senses are tingling, but Andrew Garfield‘s not tuning in! In a confession back in 2011, the ‘Mainstream’ star opened up to being afraid of killing the magic of acting. He confessed, “I don’t want to be aware of what I’m doing. As soon as I am, I’m less open.” This fact left fans wondering if Peter Parker ever b*nge-watched his iconic on-screen moments. Well, there’s one he couldn’t go around watching, the fan-favorite laptop-smashing scene from the actor’s 2010 movie ‘The Social Network’.
2. Reese Witherspoon

Who would’ve guessed that watching herself on a film screen would be harder than getting into Harward law for our Tisntletown’s smartest blonde? The icon Reese Witherspoon may have delivered the Elle Woods to us perfectly but can’t bear to watch it back. The ‘Legally Blonde’ leading lady once dished to the Daily Express, “I have absolute amnesia about every movie I have ever made. I won’t watch them because if I did I would spiral into a state of self-hate,” which we can call a smart move as picking faults in our favorite blondie is not allowed.
3. Adam Driver

Kylo Ren may have destroyed planets, but Adam Driver won’t destroy his chill by watching his own movies. The ‘Star Wars’ star has been a child of theatre and he blames it for his disinterest in admiring his on-screen performances. The actor once opened up about it on Seth Meyers’s talk show saying, “I’m used to doing plays. I came from a theatre background, so it never really equated to me.”
4. Angelina Jolie

Like the true professional she is, Angelina Jolie prefers the making to the watching. The ‘Maleficent’ maestro thinks that the process of creating her movie magic is where it’s at, not the final product as she’s confessed that she likes the “process of doing them than watching them.” Who needs a movie night when you’ve got a front-row seat with ‘Director’ written on it?
5. Helena Bonham Carter

From ‘Fight Club’ to ‘The Crown’, Helena Bonham Carter got a royal disinterest in rewatching her own outstanding performances. The Oscar-nominated actress once reasoned with the Telegraph on the discussion as she said, “It’s not like I am going to do exactly the same part next year, so what’s the point?” Now that point is hard to argue with given that every role’s a new adventure for this cinematic legend.
In case you missed: Top 10 Actors Who Admitted Hating Their Own Movies
6. Tom Hanks

America’s dad, Tom Hanks, thinks watching his own movies is a “horrible mistake.” The ‘Cast Away’ star stands true to his persona while giving reasoning on his after-filming policy to ABC News. The two-time Academy Award winner never puts on a CD with his face on, “Because you never learn what to do. You only sort of learn what not to do.” Wilson the volleyball probably agrees.
7. Jesse Eisenberg

Jesse Eisenberg’s got a strict no-reviews policy for himself! The ‘Zombieland’ star is not one to overanalyze an already displayed art project. The actor has confessed, “I don’t watch anything I’ve been in, and I don’t read reviews or analysis of movies I’ve been in, or my plays.” Guess that’s one way to deal with the critics.
8. Gwyneth Paltrow

Good thing Gwyneth Paltrow is not on the Academy panel, for she definitely would’ve lost the Oscar gold because of her inability to watch herself on the screen. The ‘Great Expectations’ star once told USA Today about her biggest pet peeve. The actress admitted, “I also really hate, hate, hate seeing myself in a movie ever,” and that makes just one of her.
9. Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp‘s got a case of “once my job is done, it’s really none of my business. I stay as far away as possible,” and well, what working adult can blame him? The ‘Pirates of The Caribbean’ star is that big of a fan of himself judging by this one interview with the Independent where he stated, “I don’t like watching myself.”
10. Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin Phoenix might’ve played the Joker, but he’s not playing around with watching his own work. In a Time Out London chat, the Oscar winner confessed that he’s only watched two of his movies which are ‘Her’ and ‘The Master’. In the interview, the actor tried to explain saying, “It’s still something I struggle with,” before dropping it by adding, “Oh, this sounds st*pid. Who gives a shit?” Well, Joaquin, we do!
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