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    “We Both Put Our Hearts Into It”: Selena Gomez Gushes About Rihanna As She Discusses How Her Brand Rare Beauty Is Similar To Fenty

    Selena Gomez and Rihanna are the frontrunners of the celebrity makeup business, with both their brands — Gomez’s ‘Rare Beauty’ and Rihanna’s ‘Fenty‘ — being the most successful celebrity driven makeup lines in the industry.

    As the two compete neck to neck, Rare Beauty has often faced comparison with Fenty, with the most common similarity being that they are both owned by two successful women from the music industry. Here’s how Selena Gomez feels about being compared to Rihanna, and more details she revealed about her billionaire brand.

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    Selena Gomez Feels ‘Honored’ About Getting Compared To Rihanna

    Selena Gomez and Rihanna
    Selena Gomez and Rihanna

    Rihanna’s ‘Fenty Beauty’ was the leading celebrity makeup brand in the industry, until Selena Gomez launched ‘Rihanna’s ‘Fenty Beauty’ was the leading celebrity makeup brand in the industry, until Selena Gomez launched ‘Rare Beauty’ and joined Riri as a competitor.

    Though both brands have been equally successful and have generated revenue of billions, they are often held to each other’s standards and are seen as each other’s competitors. This comparison, however, isn’t taken negatively by Gomez, who called it an honour to get compared to Rihanna’s brand.

    ”First of all, I’m so honored that I can even be in presence of Rihanna. I think it’s really honestly about putting what we believe behind it,” Gomez said, “Obviously I can’t speak for her, but everything seems so true to who she is and I think that’s very iconic and great. I’d like to say it’s because we both put our hearts into it, but I am very honored. That’s very flattering.”

    In Case You Missed It: 10 Beauty Brands Owned By Celebrities

    Selena Gomez’s Rare Beauty

    Selena Gomez at a Rare Beauty event (Credits: Instagram)
    Selena Gomez at a Rare Beauty event (Credits: Instagram)

    It’s obvious that Gomez really hit the ball out of the park with her brand, revolutionizing how the audience perceived celebrity-driven makeup brands. The brand, which is not even four years old, is a top seller at Sephora and can be purchased in 36 countries. Following their 2020 launch, yearly sales increased by 100% in 2021–2022 and 200% in the following year, reaching $400 million for the 12-month period that ended in May.

    It has also raised more than $13 million for mental health resources and aims to increase the numbers even higher. Talking about it, Gomez said, “At the beginning, when I first created Rare Beauty, I was not sure if I was going to be excited about doing something unless it incorporated giving back in some way.”

    She then added, “So, before the make-up products even happened, I wanted the brand to be some sort of resource for people as well. Because, I feel like if I am here, I might as well do as much good as I can.” 

    Rare Beauty has been named as one of TIME Magazine’s ‘Most Influential Brands’.

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    Nibir Konwar
    Nibir Konwar
    Nibir is nineteen, an autumn lover, and a poetry enthusiast. She loves Taylor Swift, Jeff Buckley, Sally Rooney and everything that's blue. She has had one year of experience as a content writer at First Curiosity and writes poetry and researches on literary criticism in her free time. Nibir is also an ardent reader and a fierce feminist. She aspires to author books someday and be an advocate for mental health.

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