    HomeCelebrityWhy Did Clint Eastwood Dump His ‘Muse’ Sondra Locke?

    Why Did Clint Eastwood Dump His ‘Muse’ Sondra Locke?

    One of the most talked about couples in New Hollywood was Clint Eastwood and Sondra Locke. Sandra Locke, the actress and director who took Hollywood by storm in the 1980s was in a complicated relationship with Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke is known for numerous movies and even got an Oscar nomination. 

    Sondra Locke and Clint Eastwood would go on to appear in several movies together. Her movies include ‘Willard’, ‘The Outlaw Josey Wales’, ‘The Gauntlet’, ‘Every Which Way but Loose’, ‘Bronco Billy‘ and many more. Today we will take a look at Hollywood history as well as why the power couple broke up. 

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    Clint Eastwood And Sondra Locke’s Complicated Relationship 

    The power couple of Hollywood shared a very complicated relationship. Both of them were married to other individuals. Sondra Locke was in a platonic marriage with Gordon Leigh Anderson who was gay. They shared a brother-sister relationship and never consummated the marriage. Anderson stayed with Locke until her death. 

    On the other hand, Clint Eastwood was also married to a woman he rarely shared a household with. Locke met Eastwood first in 1972 when she was looking to be cast in his film ‘Breezy’. “It was just an immediate attraction between the two of us,” Locke recalled later. 

    Sondra Locke also said that Clint Eastwood had told her how much he loved her. “I never knew I could love somebody so much, and feel so peaceful about it at the same time,” this is what Eastwood had said to Locke. Sondra Locke even got pregnant with Clint Eastwood’s child twice but terminated the pregnancy both times. 

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    Why Clint Eastwood Left Sondra Locke 

    Sondra Locke 
    Sondra Locke 

    Trouble started brewing in paradise around the late 1970s. Clint Eastwood would secretly father two children with another woman. However, this fact did not come out for 20 years. Sondra Locke did catch wind of it but remained in denial. 

    She would write in her autobiography that “although I definitely still loved Clint, I didn’t very much like him.” She also wrote, “Either he changed from white to black, or I had been living with somebody I didn’t even know.” In 1988, Eastwood would move out of their Bel-Air mansion unexpectedly. 

    And after a year, when Locke was shooting ‘Impulse’, she came back to find new locks on the family residence, her possessions in storage and security guards at the front gate preventing her entry. Sondra Locke immediately filed a $70 million palimony suit demanding half of Eastwood’s money and equal division of property. After a long battle in court, Locke lost her will to battle after she was diagnosed with breast cancer. The parties would eventually settle privately. 

    A four-year-long relationship came to an abrupt end because of disloyalty on Clint Eastwood’s part. Locke would later write that Eastwood never communicated with her after her diagnosis. “He doesn’t care if I live or die,” she wrote in her book. They would never communicate or reach out to each other after this. 

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    Nilova Jasu
    Nilova Jasu
    Nilova Jasu is an entertainment author at FirstCuriosity. With prior experience working at various celebrity blogs, she takes pride in being a know-it-all when it comes to pop culture. Being a student of medicine, Grey's Anatomy is Nilova's 'comfort watch'. A massive fan of Robert Downey Jr, whenever she is not reading up on the latest celebrity scoop on Instagram and Twitter, Nilova's busy buring her head in storybooks, playing with her pet cats or bingeing on the latest Netflix release.

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