The Man of Tomorrow is known for his gentle soul, a powerful spirit free of corruption and temptation. Amongst the members of the Justice League, Superman is known to be the most optimistic. Among the list of famous DC heroes and villains, the only other person known to do the right thing other than Batman is Superman.
However, Superman is a contradictory superhero- an incredibly powerful individual who doesn’t want to use that power against others. There have been times when Superman has been prompted to cut loose against his enemies. Here are seven instances, where The Man of Steel lost his cool and went on a rampage.

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7. Discovering The Invisible Mafia

In a recent comic story, Superman had to deal with a criminal organization called the Invisible Mafia which was operating under his nose in Metropolis. They used Superman’s weakness to their advantage since he cannot see through led walls. However, after discovering their technique, Superman lost his cool and flew out to the Asteroid Belt and began punching asteroids in rage and frustration.
6. Superman almost killed Batman

Superman and Batman are always head to head either supporting each other or going against each other, In an animated movie that also served as an inspiration for ‘Batman V.Superman: Dawn of Justice’, all superheroes were ordered to stand down, but only Batman found reason to rejoin the fight for justice.
Soon the president orders Superman to get Batman to stand down. Both the caped heroes indulge in an epic battle, resulting in Superman overpowering Batman and killing him. However, this was a ploy on the part of Batman to let Clark Kent believe that he kill him.
5. Fighting Doomsday

This does not serve as to Superman losing control, but it is somewhere close to when Superman lost his patience but spared the villain. Doomsday had already taken down the Justice League and was rampaging through Metropolis. This angered Superman leading him to attack the creature enough to have killed him. However, the impact of the fight was dangerous even for Superman which put him into a coma.
4. During the events of Public Enemies

In the story called Public Enemies, both Batman and Superman were declared enemies of the state by President Lex Luthor. This lead to a series of events where Superman and Batman are forced to fight bounty-hunting supervillains while their superhero allies work for the state.
Moving on to the climax, Batman seemingly dies while stopping a Kryptonite meteor and Lex Luthor was able to kill Superman because of his power suit. Once, Superman regained his strength, he really lost his temper and almost killed him. Later Batman reveals that Lex Luthor is still alive.
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3. The Death Of Captain Atom In Kingdom Come

The comic story of Kingdom Come is in a future where Superman retired and led the next generation to take charge. Well, amateurs! A vast prison break of superhumans resulted in a civil war in Midwest. This ends in the demise of Captain Atom and also hundreds of superhumans when Captain Atom’s nuclear energy detonates.
The loss of Captain Atom and superhumans cause Superman to have a breakdown as he finally comes to terms with the fact that he could have stopped this tragedy if he had come out of retirement sooner.
2. Fighting Mongul In The Fortress Of Solitude

In the famous issue of Superman Annual written by Alan Moore and drawn by Dave Gibbons, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Robin visited the Fortress of Solitude for Superman’s birthday. To their surprise, they find Superman under the spell of the Black Mercy Flower, an unique flora that puts individuals into a trance as they experience their greatest fantasy.
It revealed Superman’s fantasy- living back on Krypton with his parents, a wife, and kids. Wonder Woman, Batman, and Robin realized that the Black Mercy Flower was delivered by Mongull and hence tried to fight the villain. Superman beelines for Mongul in a fury, almost beating Mongul to death before coming to his senses.
1. Darkseid Brainwashed Supergirl

Created by Jeph Loeb and Michael Turner is another Dynamic Duo story, a retelling of Supergirl’s arrival on Earth. Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman try to get Kara to adapt to living on Earth and help her learn to control her powers. However, Darkseid discovers her presence and kidnaps her back to Apokolips.
He then brainwashes her. Superman and Batman barely got Kara free and back to herself. However, Darkseid follows them back to Earth, and Superman loses his patience and gets extremely enraged over what happened to his cousin. It takes the coalesced forces of Superman and Supergirl to beat Darkseid and send him back to Apokolips.
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