There is always a go-to place for the extra-crispy and appetizing waffles. The big texture becomes nice and soothing when the waffles are from the makers in the Waffle House. The restaurant chain has a history that ranges over 60 years and there are so many interesting secrets about the franchise from its naming to its recipes.
Waffle House began its journey back in 1955 on a Labor Day weekend in Georgia. The vision behind the venture was to combine the speed of fast food with table service with around-the-clock availability. And the creators did do justice to their primary idea. The restaurant chain slowly became a cultural icon. Here’s more about the creators of the Waffle House.
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Whose Brainchild Is Waffle House?

The restaurant was a dream come true for two people- the founder Joe Rogers Sr. and Tom Forkner. Rogers had been a short-order cook at the Toddle House, a restaurant chain active back in those days. He went on to become a regional manager after two years of work in the hotel chain. It was after this that he moved to Atlanta. Here he met his future business partner, Tom Forkner in connection with the buying of a house. Tom was in the real estate business back then.
The two came together to create an eatery that was always open and catered to the needs with speed. The name Waffle House was a result of waffles being the most profitable item on their menu. Though Tom and Joe were the founders, they did not give their full time to the eatery business. But it was after the expansion of the restaurant that the two left their roles in Toddle House and real estate. Finally, they completely worked on the improvisation of their brainchild.
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What Makes This Eatery Special?

The original Waffle House has been turned into a museum, which is open to the public to visit. The hotels had been restored to look exactly like what it was in the 1950s. They also have memorabilia on the display from the past 60 years. The eatery claims to be capable of serving 145 waffles per minute. Waffle House is strange as it is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including Christmas. Even during natural disasters, when supplies are low and without power, the Waffle Houses are ready to work. Thus it is the ‘Waffle House Index’ that is used by FEMA to understand how hard an area has been hit by a hurricane or tornado.