Every villain has a reason why he became who he is. The treatment he received from others and the circumstances he had to fight through his life, all count. The master and the first of the White Walkers, the Night King from ‘Game of Thrones’ also has such a back story. There is a lot to know about his origin and purpose.
Theories and conspiracies had gone around with regard to who the Night King was. The books written by George R. R. Martin had many details about the role while the movie deviated at some points. From the 4th season to the 8th season, the character stayed in the series. So here’s more about the supreme leader of the Army of the Dead.
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Creation Of The Night King

The Night King is a legendary figure and his name is well known at least among some of the nobilities within the kingdoms. He was once a mortal man, among the First Men who waged war against the Children of the Forest. As the Children were losing the war, a group of greenseers captured this man and tighter him to the heart tree. It was Leaf who pressed a cursed dragonglass dagger into the man’s chest. The man’s eyes turn blue and there he was turned into the first White Walker.
Though White Walkers were created by the Children for protection soon they turned against their creators. Thus began the Long Night. The War for the Dawn ended with Children’s victory and Night King along with his troupe retreated to the Land of Always Winter. Finally fading into the legends. This legendary figure first appears in Bran Stark’s vision as he sees a series of images and the fate of Castor’s son. There is also a scene where Night King locks eyes with Jon Snow as he raises the entirety of Hardhom’s dead beings.
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His Supernatural Powers And Abilities

As old as the First Men and being the first of his kind, the supreme leader possesses a number of powers and abilities. The being could freeze into ice anywhere and anything he touched. He could turn human babies into White Walkers with a mere touch. This master White Walker could raise and reanimate unburnt corpses as wights. The Night King had enhanced strength and enhanced durability. He could shatter metal weapons, mark someone to know where they are, and could detect wargs. He could ride dragons, was immune to fire, and can manipulate the weather. Thus the character held immense power in his hands.
Why Does He Want To Destroy All Of Mankind?

Being the master of White Walkers, the Night King was an embodiment of death. He was an emotionless killer with the only goal to kill everything that came through his path. The actor, Vladimir Furdik, who played the role in the final episodes had shared that the master White Walker wanted revenge for being Night King in the first place. The First Men had become the King against his will and now he wanted to fight back against those who wronged him. In the final season’s second episode, Bran Stark clears the villain’s motives, “An endless night. He wants to erase this world.“
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