Science has given humans a power that nothing else had ever given. From the universe to the nucleus, everything came under man’s control with the help of science. But the newfound magic of experimenting with science gad been taken to an extreme extent many times. Thus here are the ten most terrifying experiments conducted in human history.
And these experiments listed out here are pretty disturbing. They have caused harm to human beings, who are helpless and alone; tortured the weak and needy, and have been accused of causing an apocalypse and also 5 of the black hole. So here’s all you need to know about these scientific experiments.
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Top 10 Most Terrifying Experiments Conducted In Human History
The Nazi Medical Experiments

The mass murder of people that happened in the concentration camps is already terrifying. In addition to this, there were also cruel medical experiments being conducted on their bodies. These included performing surgery without anesthesia, infecting wounds with bacteria and filling them with wood shavings and ground glass, giving people different poisons, and so on. Josef Mengele, a doctor at the Nazi camps who used to perform these experiments was known as the ‘Angel of Death’. He even used to collect the eyes of the tortured for heterochromia experiments.
The Aversion Project

Homosexuality was once believed and still believed by many to be a disease that can be cured. But the Aversion Project took it to the extremes. This was a medical treatment that involved electric shock therapy and chemical castration. These horrendous treatments are conducted between 1971 to 1989 in South Africa. It was under the supervision of a psychiatrist, Dr. Aubrey Levin, that these medical projects were conducted with the help of the army. It is reported that about 900 sex change operations were conducted.
The Large Hadron Supercollider

LHS, built to study particle physics, is the world’s largest machine and the single most sophisticated scientific instrument. This machine is located in Switzerland and has caused much fear among the public. Many believed this experiment to cause earthquakes and even pull asteroids toward the earth. The experiment was also accused of creating black holes, a possibility that was not completely rejected by CERN. They stated that the “formation of tiny ‘quantum’ black holes may be possible”.
Project MKUltra

The aim of the project was to mastermind control-the infamous project started by the CIA in the 1950s and lasted till the 1960s. Here the unwilling subjects were given drugs like hallucinogens like LSD. The subjects were put through various psychological torture that included putting the subject through sleep and sensory deprivation, hypnosis, and even sexual abuse. The final product needed was a chemical weapon like a mind-controlling drug, which was then in want to combat the Soviet.
Tuskegee Syphilis Study

The African Americans from rural areas became the subject of the government-funded experiment that was trying to study untreated syphilis. Between 1932 and 1972, about 399 African American patients from rural Alabama were denied syphilis treatment and were blamed for their bad blood. The aim of the experiment was to see the progress of syphilis if it went untreated. This caused the direct death of 28 people while many others died due to related complications.
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Stateville Penitentiary Malaria Study

Here more than 400 prisoners from the Stateville Penitentiary in Illinois, were infected with malaria. This experiment conducted for two years beginning in 1944 was done to find an effective anti-malarial drug. This was essential to win World War II when soldiers were being wiped out due to malaria. The prisoners were unaware of the agenda of the experiment but were awarded shorter prison times.
Weaponizing the Plague

Hope no more countries have the idea to use plague as a weapon for biowarfare. According to, in the 1980s, the Soviet Union’s biological warfare research program showed how to use plague as a weapon in war. The plan was to launch these at the enemies with the help of missile warheads. Defectors have also revealed the presence of anthrax and smallpox as a part of the bio-weapon program.
Kola Superdeep Borehole

12 km deep into the earth, was what happened as a part of this experiment. Nothing negative happened and even ancient microscopic plankton fossils were discovered. But still, there were concerns among the public. These included that the planet would crack open, seismic effects, and so on. The Soviet experiment started in 1970 and reached its climax in 1994. The drilling happened in the Kola Peninsula in Russia’s far northwest.
Guatemalan STD study

This can’t be the first time that orphans, prisoners, prostitutes, and military conscripts have become guinea pigs for studies conducted by various governments. Here 1500 Guatemalans were deliberately infected with STDs like syphilis and gonorrhea. They were infected with the assistance of injections, infected prostitutes, and various other risky methods. This experiment happened between 1945 to 1956.
Unit 731

Ruthless experiments were conducted in this secretive R&D unit of the Japanese Army. Here prisoners mainly Chinese, Russians, and from other allies were forced to undergo forced medical procedures. These included vivisections, limb amputation, organ removal, and cutting open subjects without anesthesia. The victims were about 250,000 and had to be subject to biowarfare, forced pregnancies and frostbite testing, etc.
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